Rpg stuff


Apr 14, 2001
Seeing as theres a few others here who are interested, maybe we should set up a rpg game over mirc or something like that, ive never ran a game before, so hopefully someone has and knows what they are doing :)

Any takers/interesteders?

(I know that wasnt a word :) )
Ive got lots, but I cant play them yet as I havent learnt all the rules (and to be honest, its almost headache inducing sometimes trying to work them out :D )

Anyone got any suggestions on something easy to play/learn?
I'm in :) And I personally think that the best rules (and easiest) would be to let the "Game master" choose their own rules. Maybe base it around _something_ (AD&D 2nd Ed? That's one I have anyway) but let it take it's course.

Sorry. In answer to your question, yep, sounds great if you can get it up and running smoothly :) And if we all had cable connections we could play Neverwinter Nights over the net!
I dont have cable :cry: Do you know how playable it is with a standard connection over the net?
Phloggy, have you ever ran a 2nd edition D&D game before? (Ive only got the third edition)
I've only played the original 'basic' D&D - the ones in the different coloured boxes! Red for basic, blue for expert... can't remember the rest except for Platinum - I think - for Immortal... now *that* was D&D! None of this Advanced rubbish!
Its way better now, the license to make stuff for D&D is free for anyone to use, so theres loads more stuff to play :D
I have run a game before, and therefore I know from experience that I suck really really badly at it. (although I'll have a look at the free stuff you've mentioned above later. Maybe if it's all pre-imagined for me I'll be better)

Spiff: Not knowing how NWN works, does the fact that I have cable make any difference? i.e. Can you play with me at the same time that Spawny is playing with me? Or does everybody need to connect to everybody else?
I'm not entirely sure to be honest as I haven't actually tried it. I think that it might work OK if we connect to you, but I'd have to look into it.
Hmm, perhaps ill buy Neverwinter Nights and give it a go with Spiffy and see how it plays, if you can play Unreal Tournament or Quake 3 with 8 players over normal modem connections (which you can) I cannot see how a game that is slower and less graphically intensive couldnt be possible.....
Well, I've had a bit of a look around and read that a normal 56K connection can host up to 8 players, and cable connections can host much more... I guess it depends on the host - ie, if it's cable then it will run much faster.

Please note, though, that these FAQs are always written before games are released and so half the time they're not all that accurate!