CRIMSON 1 - a game



:hotjump: Hello everybody, well i really a Crimson devote, but, aw, man, that CD here in my country its like, R$80!!(somthig arould U$30), but here its a lot, but, hell, cant afford it, so, I like, want to do a game with the music, and dont wanna screw on that, so I looking for ppl who knows the music (arould here only I and a frind of mine that I introduced the music to him, really knows the music and like it...)
So, I need more ideas, more reason, more thing to make a really playable game, its gonna be made a a tool that they call RPG Maker so, its not a very powerful engine, but can do a lot! so, I need more idias to the game introdution and the begining of the playable game, if anyone interested, just say so, ok? and hope theres no problem doing the game at all :Spin:

Oh, almost forgot, Im was planing doing the game at my own language and them if it makes a good progress, translate it to english, ok? thank u all :wave: see ya later...
Saint of Killers said:
And rpg based on Crimson? Sounds great. Who will the playable character(or group of characters) be?

Well, somebody awnsered!!! GREAT!! :D
So, this is my main idea 'bout it:
There u can play with lot chars, but, i was thinking like this, so to one see the entire history and keep it interesting, like this, U start with the .. KING yeah, the first king, till u die in the history, and then u "UNLOCK" other(s) playable chars, so u can see all the history, with some diferent points of view..
I was thinking the main chars could be:
The Kings (yeah, the 3 of them...)
someone who believed in the princess;
The regreting servant, that guide the soldiers in the end;
2 of the soldiers(one to be the final bait, and the other to reach the princess)

but, not like, begin where the last one stoped, but, see at least a little bit more, about the life of the char in the history, u know...

the game would be sooooooooo damn big, but ill try anyway, and I wanting ideas about these histories, cuz I dont have much time in my hands, Im outdoors during all day!
Wakeup->work->college->home->sleep... and thats how my entire day is...
thaks for the interest SoK! :Spin:
I think a Nightingale RPG would be awesome. You could lead the main character through the life Dan has created for him.. encounters with the gypsy and all that, battles with the evil soul.. it'd be great.
wardwarf said:
I think a Nightingale RPG would be awesome. You could lead the main character through the life Dan has created for him.. encounters with the gypsy and all that, battles with the evil soul.. it'd be great.

Well, here's the thing, I never listened Nightingale, I was trying to find some mp3 on the net, but didn't, and here in Brazil, they do not make the CD, and order it will cost a fortune, well, I maybe could see some lyrics, that's for sure, but without the music.. Don't know, maybe I get some wrong ideas about "the moment" u know what I mean?
but yeah, maybe... and now I want to know some opnions about Crimson idea, could u help? :Spin:

But thanks anyway!
There are much more engines to use than the old RPG Maker. You could make a mod for Neverwinter Nights or Morrowind. Youd probly find it eaziest to use the Neverwinter Nights editor.
Pardi said:
There are much more engines to use than the old RPG Maker. You could make a mod for Neverwinter Nights or Morrowind. Youd probly find it eaziest to use the Neverwinter Nights editor.

Maybe, but, never heard of them... I will look out for these, but I must warn u, I really like RPG Maker, because of its easy to use SNES like customizable game interface, u know what i mean?
So, well, can Any body help me with some ideas for the game in its soul? the engine isnt really important at this point, :Spin: I need ideas 'bout the intro, now...

I was thinking of a dark screen, them the PROLOGUE, would show up, w/ an mid that fits the history, but... well, I dont want just words, I want some scenes, I I dont know how to intro the game, maybe, well, something appears, like
"in a distant future..." them a scene would pass
" when the humam race couldnt breed anymore..."
another scene...
"a princess, sent by the skies..."
another scene..

U know? this kind of thing...
Oh, anyone has comments about my idea for the characters??? any change is possible!

Oh, need ideas for the BGM too! :D
any heplp, comment, report, if anyone is against something, plz, let me know! ok? thanku again!