Rudy's Music Stop amp room - HOLY GOD


Feb 20, 2005
So I was down in NYC this past weekend giving my best bud from college (who is an Albany native) the grand tour, and we of course had to pay a visit to 48th St., AKA Music Store Lane. Rudy's was the first stop, cuz they're the boutique fellows (dealers for Mesa, Orange, and Bogner, as well as brands I couldn't give two shits about but are still expensive, e.g. 65 Amps, Gibson amps, blah-di-blah...), and the last time I had been there, all the amps were sequestered in a tiny room with sliding glass doors in the back of their storefront. So I go back there, and see that it's been replaced with the usual array of expensive Gibsons, Fenders, and PRS's (BOOORRRRIIIINNNNGGG, I don't care how much they cost), and I'm like "WTF IS THIS HORSESHIT!?" to the guy behind the counter (not quite in those words ;)), to which he very impatiently points to the sign at the door, indicating their recently added amp room around the corner on the 4th floor.

So we bid the dude farewell, and head up there - and HOLY GOD, this place is fucking ridiculous. The main room has lots of guitars (more PRS's, Gibsons, and Fenders, uggghhh), but the right room has multiple Bogner, Marshall, and Orange full stacks, and the left room is ALL Mesa, with like 6 full stacks and all combos/small cabs in between, all in totally gorgoues finishes (including my absolute favorite combo, a Roadster full stack in Red Croco Leather dddrrrroooooolllll...). So one of the dudes working there helped me to a Les Paul, and first up was an Orange Tiny Terror through an Orange 2x12 horizontal cab. SWEET FUCKING JESUS that thing cooked - I still want a Rev. Jr. because I'm a knuckle-headed metalhead till the day I die, but now I can finally see why any self-respecting high-gain lover would consider this little guy instead of it. Just the Les Paul w/ passive pups straight into the amp had all the gain I could ever want (with the knob maxed, granted, but whatever), so I now have serious GAS for that sucker as well.

Next up was the Mesa room, where I played the aforementioned Roadster full stack, and loved it as much as I expected I would, and then back into the first room, where I played a Marshall JVM410 and was honestly quite underwhelmed - I tweaked that fucker A LOT, but while the distortion was decent on open notes/chords, the palm mutes just sounded horridly squishy and undefined, so if this is the best Marshall has to offer these days, I guess I just don't care for that company. Finally, although I could tell the dude was getting a little impatient, I begged him to try the Bogner Uberschall full stack, which he obliged, but when he turned it on, it made these crackly noises (and no guitar signal came through), so we gave up on that so I wouldn't have to get acquainted with their "you break it, you buy it" policy :ill:

So in short, anyone who is remotely in the NYC area, check out the Rudy's Music Stop amp room, and prepare to be in heaven! :headbang:
Oh yeah, and afterwards, we went to Manny's (we skipped Sam Ash, cuz if you've seen one, you've seen 'em all), and ironically, despite the fact that most of the guitars cost under like $1200, the guitars there were INFINITELY more appealing to us than the aforementioned extremely boring, overpriced American trio at Rudy's. Manny's had a retarded amount of gorgeous Ibanezes, as well as a few Jacksons, WARRIORS (a company I've always REALLY loved the look of), and a pair of Charvel San Dimases (this one and this one), that were absolutely incredible - my friend and I have always been HUGE 80s nuts (he especially, he owns a Wolfgang for chrissakes), and these were 80s in every way - no frills, just one volume knob and toggle switch, non-recessed original Floyd Rose, big ol' neck block joint, and GODLIKE unfinished white maple neck, uggghhhhh, what shredder axes. I can't wait until I have the money to sell my Ibanez RGT (my current shredder guitar, but even though I have a Prestige Edge Pro bridge in it, I still MUCH prefer an OFR) and get something like that.
a few...:cough: pics from the Andy Timmons clinic in that room








he uses the stiletto in silicone diode and bold for more punch and headroom

he uses the stiletto in silicone diode and bold for more punch and headroom

He seriously dimes the bass on the Stiletto? o_O

Anyway, that room is stuffed to the brim with Pure Win. :kickass:
Ahhhh, there's that red croco Roadster I played gorgeous

And they had rearranged stuff when I was there, but that's a pretty good representation. I won't deny, I can't consider it Mecca because they don't have any Diezel or Engl, but it's still fucking awesome! And yeah, the flamed maple combos were to die for.
rudys is good stuff. my uncle is a lawyer and and he did something for one of the guys that owns it and when i found out he got me in there after it closed a few years ago and i was in there for like 2 hours ripping the bogners.

i'm a mesa boogie fanboy but goddamn those bogners sounded good.

he also had an original (non reissue) mesa mark I from 1978 or something and i was jamming along with this other kid to some eagles songs and it was really cool. rudys is definitely a gas dream.
How does this store compare in size against the Great House of Guitars in Rochester?

I know at one point they were boasted as the largest.

HOG was sweet. I checked it out a few weekends ago.
More run of the mill current Fender/Line 6/Vox stuff, lots of vintage fender and a small room with 5150 III, Orange, Marshall Vintage Modern, Mesa etc....

too many fucking guitars.
they had some of the new epiphone prophecy series and they felt really solid, fast as fuck necks.
....and a pair of Charvel San Dimases (this one and this one), that were absolutely incredible - my friend and I have always been HUGE 80s nuts (he especially, he owns a Wolfgang for chrissakes), and these were 80s in every way - no frills, just one volume knob and toggle switch, non-recessed original Floyd Rose, big ol' neck block joint, and GODLIKE unfinished white maple neck, uggghhhhh, what shredder axes. I can't wait until I have the money to sell my Ibanez RGT (my current shredder guitar, but even though I have a Prestige Edge Pro bridge in it, I still MUCH prefer an OFR) and get something like that.

Killer. I'm a huge old school Charvel fan too!
I ordered the damn Floyd Rose for this thing over two months ago and it still hasn't come in......but when it does, this thing will be getting bolted together.
It's a Charvel model one, converted into a San Dimas replica.

HAha, i was there earlyer on today !! i baught a dunlop custom shop phase 90 ('74 reissue with no led), im a phase 90 addict so...

great amp room