Rufus got a playmate today


Mar 21, 2010
New York
One night, a few weeks ago (just before Christmas), we heard what sounded like a kitten crying somewhere outside our house; we went out with flashlights, but couldn't find anything. However, the next day, look what we found curled up in the grass in the 20 degree (F) weather:


No clue how he got there, and we live in a pretty remote area. We took him to the vet, who fortunately had a mother cat that had just had a litter; in no time, they had accepted him:


They kept him there for the last couple of weeks, just getting his strength up; we would visit:


And today, we brought him home:


Exploring his new crib:




We've always been dog people, but we couldn't resist keeping him. His name is Mawson, after Sir Douglas Mawson, Antarctic survivor and general hard-ass; the name seemed appropriate :D Rufus has caught sight of him and is very excited, though we're gonna wait a bit before introducing the two of them; hopefully they'll get along!

Oh, and not bad pics for a cell phone I must say - gg iPhone 4 :cool:
Hooray for rescued critters! We just brought a newbie home, too, after having to put our old boy down.
Mawson is lucky he made it through the night in those conditions!
Aaaawwwwww *_*

Goddamnit, I want a cat again. We had to give ours to friends because my sister had a real bad allergy.
I want cat(s) again since I moved out but I fear it's just too fucking small here (2 rooms + kitchen + bath) and I really don't want the cat to scratch my control room walls.. because they're made of fabric and I know those fuckers love to dig their claws into everything. Also if the cat takes a good piss on the studio gear... FFFFFUUUUUUU
There's a BIIIIG garden but the other party on the property have a young dog.. hmmmm

You think I should try it nevertheless?
What a lovely young cat. I love cats!!!

Jipchen I wouldnt risk it. Because you planing on having clients sleep at your studio too, right?

Then all the extreme loudness and stuff.

Garden is extremly cool, but what about the dog?
Wow, so cute hahaha! :)
(By the way, is it wrong that I thought of porn before thinking of another animal? :/)
What a cute little kitty! Look how inquisitive he is, despite what happened. He found a good home, hope the two get along.

Our (well, my parents') Milkkis was also found in a pile of snow apparently half-frozen.
Poor thing, her eyes still droop a little and at first she only made a pitiful little noise when trying to meow but now squeeks happily away.
We also think she lost her tail as well, since she still is a little wobbly now and then, only a little stub left. Quite the little rascal, when she wants to be..
While I still lived with my parents, every night she would curl beside me and purr. Sometimes so loud, I had to shoo her away to get some sleep!

jipchen: I wouldn't, if I were you, especially since you have your studio in your home. Or make sure the cat really behaves!
I really would like to have Milkkis here with me, but I can't because of work and all, no time to take good care of her, so she's comfy where she is (with 2 other cats).
Jipchen I wouldnt risk it. Because you planing on having clients sleep at your studio too, right?

Then all the extreme loudness and stuff.

Garden is extremly cool, but what about the dog?

I wouldn't, if I were you, especially since you have your studio in your home. Or make sure the cat really behaves!
I really would like to have Milkkis here with me, but I can't because of work and all, no time to take good care of her, so she's comfy where she is (with 2 other cats).

:( That's what I thought, too. Just imagine the cat gets in the liveroom and I do a reamping session. Dead cat would be dead.
And I'd kill the dog if she did anything to my kittey :lol: Well the dog is also cute but it's not mine and dogs always smell bad. haha
Cute kitten.

Just be careful when you introduce your little bundle of joy to your dog - little kitten claws are sharp as razors which unfortunately my beautiful little Pekingese puppy Molly found out the hard way. While Molly is no longer with us after a very long and wonderful life, she almost lost an eye to a kitten way back when.

While we always also had my cat Alex (also no longer of this earth after a very long life of 18 years), she always left Molly alone. Unfortunately my wife agreed to watch her best friends new kitten while her friend went on a trip. Well, within hours of bringing her home, Molly took it upon herself to introduce herself in a very Pekish manner of sticking her very short snout (they are flat faced dogs) into the kittens face. The kitten immediately struck back with bared claws at Molly's face and tore her cornea, literately taking a chunk of it out. We had to rush her to our vet after which she had her eye sewn shut for 4 weeks while her torn cornea healed - all along the possibility existed that she would be blind in that eye forever. Fortunately it healed and she lived out her life avoiding cats like the plague, but since then (and since Alex our cat passed several years later), my wife will no longer let me have a cat for fears our dogs (we have two new Pekingese dogs - Mattie and Willow). Too bad really because I love cats - my cat Alex was in my life longer than my wife has been, and with me through thick and thin. I test the waters about once a year, but she says no (probably for the better since I have great doubts that any other cat could live up to the precedent set by Alex).

So - long story short - just be careful unless you want Rufus to look like a pirate going GYARRRRRRR!
So - long story short - just be careful unless you want Rufus to look like a pirate going GYARRRRRRR!

Cats can be vicious fuckers, especially when cornered by a dog. My cat Gimley would totally fuck up my dog Fender, and Fender's part pitbull.
Argh! I love kittens! I've always been a cat guy but have always wanted a dog. Unfortunately my girlfriends not a fan... I'm going to hijack the thread with a picture of one of my two cats. We got them from a shelter when they were less than a month old. Someone left them on the side of a freeway in a box. They're near identical twin brothers.

About a week after we took them home :)

Also Marcus its great seeing people adopting pets in need!
:( That's what I thought, too. Just imagine the cat gets in the liveroom and I do a reamping session. Dead cat would be dead.
And I'd kill the dog if she did anything to my kittey :lol: Well the dog is also cute but it's not mine and dogs always smell bad. haha

My cats don't even flinch anymore when I'm running an amp. In fact my big ass cat fall asleep a few feet from it (and I'm usually running it pretty loud). It's fucking weird :lol:.
Do people keep cats in a cage where you live (USA?)? Looks like a miserable way of living to me, you know they are not tigers or something that will bite your head off :lol:
Nice story! I remember when my cat was that big and you could pick him up with one hand, just u wait til he becomes a fat tomcat a year or so from now :D

Haha, thanks Kev - though we always try to keep our dogs healthy by not giving them table scraps, so we'll do the same with this little guy to keep him slim and trim :D

What a cute little kitty! Look how inquisitive he is, despite what happened. He found a good home, hope the two get along.

Our (well, my parents') Milkkis was also found in a pile of snow apparently half-frozen.
Poor thing, her eyes still droop a little and at first she only made a pitiful little noise when trying to meow but now squeeks happily away.
We also think she lost her tail as well, since she still is a little wobbly now and then, only a little stub left. Quite the little rascal, when she wants to be..
While I still lived with my parents, every night she would curl beside me and purr. Sometimes so loud, I had to shoo her away to get some sleep!

^ Damn! Even the cats in Finland have double "K"s and "I"s in their names :D

Marcus ... awesome story and VERY inspired name choice

Thanks guys - Jussi, Milkkis sounds adorable, and that's a great story of how you got her - and Carlos, I too chuckled at the name (Finland FTW :D)

Good on you Marcus! Cute kiteh is cute.

awesome dude! I have my parent´s persian cat "staying" with us for some time, as you I´ve always been a dog person (and still am) but I´m loving this little filthy fuckface. Cats can be pretty cool aswell

Thanks guys! And yeah, I have high hopes, he's been great so far

Cute kitten.

Just be careful when you introduce your little bundle of joy to your dog - little kitten claws are sharp as razors which unfortunately my beautiful little Pekingese puppy Molly found out the hard way. While Molly is no longer with us after a very long and wonderful life, she almost lost an eye to a kitten way back when.

While we always also had my cat Alex (also no longer of this earth after a very long life of 18 years), she always left Molly alone. Unfortunately my wife agreed to watch her best friends new kitten while her friend went on a trip. Well, within hours of bringing her home, Molly took it upon herself to introduce herself in a very Pekish manner of sticking her very short snout (they are flat faced dogs) into the kittens face. The kitten immediately struck back with bared claws at Molly's face and tore her cornea, literately taking a chunk of it out. We had to rush her to our vet after which she had her eye sewn shut for 4 weeks while her torn cornea healed - all along the possibility existed that she would be blind in that eye forever. Fortunately it healed and she lived out her life avoiding cats like the plague, but since then (and since Alex our cat passed several years later), my wife will no longer let me have a cat for fears our dogs (we have two new Pekingese dogs - Mattie and Willow). Too bad really because I love cats - my cat Alex was in my life longer than my wife has been, and with me through thick and thin. I test the waters about once a year, but she says no (probably for the better since I have great doubts that any other cat could live up to the precedent set by Alex).

So - long story short - just be careful unless you want Rufus to look like a pirate going GYARRRRRRR!

Wow, that's quite a cautionary tale dude, but it honestly comes as little surprise - I can't deny, I'm in general not a big fan of cats, because of their potential for the dangerous combo of an aloof, stand-off attitude and razor sharp claws and teeth - however, I've also encountered some loving, affectionate ones, and I'm hoping that by getting this guy at such a young age, we'll be able to properly socialize him to us and Rufus, who for those who dont know is our lovable 75-pound goofball golden retriever :D However, we're taking it slow, which leads me to...

Do people keep cats in a cage where you live (USA?)? Looks like a miserable way of living to me, you know they are not tigers or something that will bite your head off :lol:

Try to wipe the reek of menstruation of your posts; today marks the beginning of his third day home with us, and considering his age (which should be obvious from the pics) we don't want him getting hurt climbing all over things, finding his way underfoot, or having a bad interaction with Rufus. We take him out and play with him almost hourly, and soon we'll give him free roam of the kitchen, which we'll keep gated off from the rest of the house (and soon after the whole house, obviously) - would you just set your human baby loose to have free reign of your pad?