Rumoured King Diamond tour

Graveyard, man... that album was on repeat for at least a month for me. I could totally see it being converted into a twisted off-broadway musical.
IMHO, the Puppet Master is the strongest out of all the post-Them albums.

The issue is that FP, Abigail, and THEM were SO perfect, esp for his first three efforts that most after paled in comparison (not that they were bad albums by any means)
Someone on another board pointed out that the image for the NY show's ticket broker is interesting. Hope it's a sign of good things to come.

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IMHO, the Puppet Master is the strongest out of all the post-Them albums.

The issue is that FP, Abigail, and THEM were SO perfect, esp for his first three efforts that most after paled in comparison (not that they were bad albums by any means)

Puppet Master is really goodl, but I really do love "Give Me Your Soul... Part of it is I just think that album flows really well and is super catchy. I just don't like abigail 2, and it's not because of the first one. Hell, I love the third Keeper album by Helloween without comparing it. I just don't find anything memorable on that disc.

I agree with you though Jason. When you have three albums that great, plus Conspiracy imo, it's really hard to outdo those.