"Run Baby", melo death advices for my mix


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France
Hi dudes,

One year ago I was gonna record a demo for my band. Finally we froze the band until new line up and until I get closer to my mates. But I wanted to use my guitar tracks still. So I recorded the bass myself and used the midi for drums.

Here's the result : http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/881054/Sneap/own mixes/lesedna - run baby.mp3

EDIT : v2 http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/881054/Sneap/own mixes/lesedna - run baby2.mp3

I've mixed it yesterday so I already hear bad things. I think the bass is too loud, toms are a bit strange, and there is maybe slighly too much verb.

What do you think of that ?

If you dig the song I could maybe throw the raw files of an extract.

There are 4 songs of this demo. This is the most melodic and catchy and less metal of them, others are more modern thrash/melodeath styled even if it's a little mix of influences.

oh and, sound is ESP Sv (EMG 81) > Bogner Ubershall > sm57 fredman technique (in front and 45° off axis) > soundcard with no preamp. The bogner was a fucking tone but the recording doesnt show it, it's too harsh.

bass is an LTD B-50 into Ampeg

drums are full SSD 3.0 with "Slate custom kit" with another snare if I'm right

nothing is edited, just took the raw tracks
I love the snare dude! It is pumping to hell though dude.

Any info for us on their snare?

Snare is :

"Jimmy Snare" from SS3 LE

chain is :
EQ / Gclip / verb and there is also some room ambiance sound from the SSD with the NRG room :

LP 70Hz
+1 @ 200Hz
+3 @ 2Khz
+3 @ 8Khz
+12 @ 7Khz (it was quite hard to make it cut through mid f so I made it shine on high frequencies)

Gclip with a +7dB boost and 95% clipping, quite soft

Verb is Pantheon Verb, Room type, Eq so that only mid/high are verbed
(+ the NRG room from SSD that helps)
clip :

http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/881054/Sneap/own mixes/lesedna - run baby2 snare.mp3

You can hear I did'nt edit velocities :lol:
I think the toms need some work too, although I always struggle with toms too. They have the upper mid smack attack but are missing their real body to me.

Exactly what I'm trying to figure out why. I learnt recently how to give them the smack attack, I achieved a good tone on another mix but on this one it didn't work as much. I think I'm gonna redo their FX chain from scratch to check this out

EDIT : V2 is up http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/881054/Sneap/own mixes/lesedna - run baby2.mp3
The lead guitar is too loud, knock it down a bit and perhaps add a little verb for some space.
The guitar tone is better on the rhythms than the leads. I like how it's a bit more mid-heavy.
The toms do sound a bit cardboard like.
The whole mix sounds a little disconnected to me, to be honest.