RUNE - the end of nothing ALBUM OF THE YEAR


Feb 9, 2003
anyone who has purchased this album knows how good it is. check out the recent unrstained! review and check out the reviews on digitalmetal,

The End of Nothing (Willowtip)
Rune's 'The End of Nothing' is easily one of the most promising releases I have heard in 2003. Widely praised by many in the underground, Rune's debut for superb label Willowtip is nothing short of mind-blowing. Mixing together death metal, doom and gloom, and grinding rhythms is no easy task, but Rune does it effortlessly and thus leaves those who fall prey to their sounds to be in a state of disbelief at what is unfolding before us. Though moody for the most part, there is a darkened, deeply rooted aggressive factor brewing within 'The End of Nothing,' causing many of the numbers to echo an adrenaline rush of vicious and haunting blows. 'The End of Nothing' is one of those records that you can only describe in so many words before you lose the real sense of what it is about. You need to spin the disc and understand just what kinds of sounds and styles Rune cast out and come to your own conclusions. In short: a wickedly surreal experience that proves music can be damaging and unruly, yet meaningful. <A. Bromley> -9-