
I agree with your opinion of Rush...I really enjoy listening to Rush just for the excellent drum work of Neil Peart, he is one of the best drummers I have ever listened to, he knows how to construct his drums around the song.
I agree... absolutely my favourite non-metal band...
their live recordings are astonishing, I love the "A Show of Hands" album, even it lacks of many of the classics, the setlist is excellent, the execution too...

it would be an orgasm to see them live, I hope they are coming here for the new album tour...
Rush is fucken bad ass. Their 1970s shit is the best. After the Moving Pictures album though I thought they started to go downhill. They should quit now before it gets embarassing because their music isn't as good as it used to be.
More or less everything sucked in the 80's!!!
There may be a few good songs (besides metal shit), but the rest is crap. The 80's songs that I like has quickly found a firm place on my shelf. When I bought them I was like "Yeah, this King song is cool", but now I almost never listen to it, although I still think it's cool.
I also listen to a lot of funk stuff from the 70's and all bands got gross and sticky in the 80's. Cheesy music filled with synths and drum machines and/or electric drums.
80's = :cry: and :puke:
absolute rubbish. purist talk.

the eighties albums were the best in my opinion.

Show of Hands is my favourite album too and being live that's quite an achievement. It is also the mark of great musicianship.

The bass playing on the marathon is just irresistable!!
I have been a Rush fasn since "A Farewell To Kings" was released in 1977. And I saw them live at the Pink pop festival in Geleen on june the 4th here in the Netherlands. I like their late 70s music the best. Especially "Kings"and "Hemispheres". But still my favorite Rush album is "Power Windows". I just love that albums. It sound killer and the songs and lyrics jusr captivate me.

What they have been releasing since "Hold your fire" is below par however. Of course this is just my personal opinion. There are loads of Rush fans that name "Presto" or "Roll the bones" as their favorite album.

I remember seeing them live during their "Hold Your Fire"tour. At the end of the show they were playing a collection of their late 70s/early 80s material. There was this guy sitting two seats away from me. During this part of the gig *he puts his fingers in his ears*!!!!!!

My wife had to hold me back or else I would have kicked his nutz!!

Anyway, goes to show how different the Rush crowd really is.

BTW I was very happy with their latest live album "Different Stages". Although the songs on the first two disc's were great I really liked the enclusion of the Bonus disc recorded in the Hammersmith Odeon in 1978!!
that's a great release man. i have that too :)

power windows is my fave studio album too. good job i wasn't at that gig or your wife would have had to hold both of us back :lol:

i just find it sad when people cant accept that a band develops through time and tries to experiment with new things. experimentation has always been so important for rush too!!
Originally posted by veil the sky
absolute rubbish. purist talk.

You haven't considered that the reason we say the 80's stuff suck is simply because we don't like it??? I don't care when music is released or written. I have music dating back to the 15th century if I'm not mistaken ("Green sleeves" that is). I have "Signals" by Rush and the first and only time I've heard it I was like "Uarh, this is gross crap!". It doesn't have electric drums (as far as I recall) which charecterized the 80's, but I still don't like the music. It's just crappy IMO! As simple as that. I don't mind bands developing through their career, I just don't like it when you take the latest record by a band and one from the beginning of their career and the new one is a at a whole different place than the starting point. This could be Metallica, Paradise Lost, Amorphis and so many other bands! Okay, Rush hasn't changed that much, but I still don't like "Signals". It's just too gross and 80's for me. If you like it that's fine, but I'm not a purist just because I don't like 80's stuff!