Russ' solo cd.."info leak"


Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
Talked to Russ on the phone for a while yesterday, & he gave me some info that I could "leak" to you all about his cd. He said:

~ he's about halfway finished recording it, & is trying to get it done before his wedding at the end of the month..

~ "there's something on it for everyone" (his words, meaning it's diverse as far as style(s))..

~ for those of you who were hoping for something bluesy, he says 5 of the songs are exactly that..

~ there are 11 tracks for certain with a 12th that he's not sure if he'll add or not..

~ he does expect it to be ready for the planned release date of November 9th, and it is called 'Atomic Soul'..

~ and lastly, and perhaps most of all..he's having a blast working on it.

That's it for now, more info as it becomes available..since this is a "leak", this info won't go on the sites, just the lists and the forum. :)
I'm looking forward to this - Russell has such a strong voice, and it'll be great to hear what else he's capable of doing besides prog.
~ for those of you who were hoping for something bluesy, he says 5 of the songs are exactly that..

And if you're wondering what Russ sounds like bluesy, that live solo in Wicked seems to be a good indicator to me. I'm not too big on that song, but man he kicks ass at it.
Romeo does a lot of the guitar work on it. Other musicians have contributed as well, let me see if I can get a full list of them for ya'll.
No one here has heard the live NJ bootleg where Russ breaks out into about 30 sec of country singing? I don't like country but he fuckin slayed that style! I'm sure his bluesy stuff will be fantastic since country is rooted in blues. Can't wait for Russ', Pinnella's and Symph X's new releases!!!!!:D
Those of us who were at the first ProgPower in Chicago (Lansing to be exact) were treated to Russ singing a Willie Nelson song at that was classic! Karaoke night was so much more fun than the preparty thing..I wish they'd go back to that. *sigh*
RequiemX said:
Oh man. I so hope he does a cover of Ain't No Sunshine. One of my favorite songs, and Russ totally has the voice to pull it off with gusto.