Worst gig?


Apr 15, 2006
Cornwall, England
So... what's the worst live performance you've ever seen by a well-known band?

I saw Poison at Donington Rock Fest in 1990, and they were bloody awful. I thought they were crap anyway, but that set was hideous - flat vox, drummer couldn't keep time coz he was waving his sticks around his head more that in the direction of his kit. Words failed me.... :erk:

It did give me time to bugger off for a leak, more beer and a burger though before Aerosmith came on, so all was not lost.... :)
Matchbox 20 many years ago.

Looking back, I can honestly say that if, instead of going to the concert, I was repeatedly molested by the creepy ice cream man down the road, it would have done less psychological damage.:ill:
1988 Ratt "Reach for the Sky" tour. It was a show in Sacramento and as I recall the last of their tour. Stephen Pearcy's voice was shot, and could not sing most of the songs (I believe the bass player was doing most of the singing). The band was burned out and appeared to be less the enthused to be performing.
I saw these guys last year and I was pretty excited because I have been really really interested in the last set of EP's and last album, good experimental/post-hardcore stuff and certainly progressive in their own right.

They didn't play bad, they were tight as, but the music just sounded so flat and dry because they were so tired. It's not their fault, I know that bands are tired all the time when they are going from country to country in a short amount of time, but I hate seeing it when bands are too tired to give it their all. Dustin looked like he was falling asleep at the mic, again good music but just really dissapointing to see bands so jet lagged and tired. I'm sure if I were touring constantly I'd be fucked too, but I don't know.
I bought their live dvd after that gig and watched and that is how good the show should have been.

I havn't seen too many bad shows too be honest.
It was a Sonata Arctica show. It wasn't because of the band's performance, they were great. But the audience was full of 12 year olds text messaging each other not paying attention to the band, but also refusing to move from the front rows because they were there first. Every once in a while they'd start jumping around like crazy or flipping out because of a text message they'd gotten. I don't even think they knew Sonata Arctica but were rather only there because it was a Friday night after school and they wanted to hang out with their friends somewhere.
Children of Bodom, as you would expect the crowd was filled with teenagers and emo kids fucking around, not to mention I swear the London Astoria was packed beyond capacity. It was difficult to even breath in there, there was definitely a serious risk of broken ribs at that gig. The band actually played alright, the performance wasn't perfect but it wasn't too bad. What let them down was the sound, it sucked shit.

Moonsorrow (Yeah, seriously, Moonsorrow and Children of Bodom? Hardly very similiar bands) were supporting though and they kicked ass.
Disturbed. They're fucking terrible. Glad I didn't pay a cent to see them.

Also when I saw Arsis one time, the crowd was so faggy that they ruined the show by acting like retards.

And any number of boring shitty metalcore/deathcore bands that i've seen open for a retarded number of bands.
I saw Into Eternity... and I couldn't wait for it to end. Absolutely terrible.

No good?
I like some of their stuff on cd but they chop and change so much that I can't imagine it would go well live. Can the pull off the vocal harmonies live?
But yeah seriously, they are not a prog metal band, they just throw in a bunch of different done-to-death styles and try to pass it off as prog. And I don't know why everyone gives so many kudo's to Tim Roth, he's a pretty average guitarist.
1988 Ratt "Reach for the Sky" tour. It was a show in Sacramento and as I recall the last of their tour. Stephen Pearcy's voice was shot, and could not sing most of the songs (I believe the bass player was doing most of the singing). The band was burned out and appeared to be less the enthused to be performing.

Wow thats Funny I always say that Ratt was the worst concert i have ever seen .I forget what year it was but it was around mid to late 80's
They sounded nothing like ratt, the vocals were shit and so was the band I was shocked
It was almost as Funny a watching Def Leppard on the 09 download fest last night as far as the vocals go Holy Shit!! Give it up Dude
Into eternity just tours too much. I can't stand the band myself, but honestly they've always been impressive live to me that Stu CAN pull off his vocals live. I'll say they're awful not because of performance, but frequency.
Bring Me The Horizon.
Every song sounded pretty much the same and there was hardcore dancing.
I only went cause of Megadeth and they kicked ass, so it was all good.
The Faceless, they were tight and stuff but they looked either too concentrated on not fucking up or just straight up looked bored/tired. No energy whatsoever. Fuck that.

Cynic and Meshuggah on the other hand were so good they absolutely ruined my life.