**Official statement regarding the cd leak**

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Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
I spoke with MJR this afternoon, and the official stance on pre-release downloading of Paradise Lost is as follows.

While they're not pleased about it, the band knows that pre-release leaks and downloads are going to happen; they do hope that if you like it, you'll buy it when it's released. However, they would ask that forum members (and mailing list members; the same rules will apply in both locations) not use the band's official list and forum to distribute download links (not counting the samples provided by SPV, which are linkes in the Paradise Lost sticky thread) or post personal reviews of the cd before its release. This is both out of respect for the band, and for those who are waiting to buy it.

As for me, my thoughts are that this is the band's home on the internet; let's show them some respect and not be so blatant about stealing from them, shall we?

Translation: anyone failing to follow the band's request will be quietly banned until June 26. We're not going to spaz out over this, we're simply asking for some respect for the band that we all claim to love; if you're unable to show the band this simple bit of respect then you will be quietly shown the door.

SymX Forum Moderator
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I am going to follow up by saying, Symphony X, as with any band on UltimateMetal.com, have rules they wish to be respected. If you can't be courteous enough to abide by their (nicely asked for) rules, expect a site wide ban, possibly permanently. Also, if you sign up under another name, expect your main account to be found and banned as well.

Let's respect the band's wishes folks.
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