Russia Vs. Georgia


Feb 22, 2007
This is nothing new, so I won't post a new article or anything, but what do you guys think of the current conflict going on between them?

Personally I think the American media is really simplifying the issue and unfairly labeling Russia as the aggressor.
Clearly the people of South Ossetia and Abkhazia would rather have Russia annex them than continue under Georgian rule.
I work with a couple of people from Georgia who came over a few years ago just for the opportunity to make more money than they could in their country. They've talked about Georgia a lot and have always been pretty pleased with their government and how their country is run. They even routinely make trips back there to visit friends and family. They've also talked about Russia a lot and have been very displeased with the Russians' attempts to interfere with their government and their way of life. They've said that over the past few years Russians have been moving into their country at a consistently increasing rate, bringing with them more crime and violence than they're accustomed to (most notably through the Russian mafia). I actually haven't talked to them since this invasion began, but I can't wait to hear what they have to say about it.
Apparently Russia is advancing towards the Georgian capital. This could get interesting.

Also, Poland agreed to let the US put a missile interceptor in their country and Russia claims it is for nukes..

Cold War v2.0, anyone?
i wonder how many ignorant southerners think russia has invaded the US.

as for the real conflict, i dont entirely understand what russias goals are and what they want to do if they continue this. i mean, i understand whats going on, but i really dont understand the logic, ya know?

i fucking new it...
That must be fake.

I feel that Georgia made a huge mistake invading South Osettia. For one it was unwarranted aggression against a state that is smaller than them. Second it gave Russia an excuse to push it's weight around.

Russia is using this to say that nothing gets done in their part of the world without their say. That is a bad attitude, but it's a little hypocritical for the USA to get all sanctimonious about invading a country for political reasons, when they themselves did it in 2003. I think the US has valid criticisms, it would just be nice if we held ourselves to the same standard.
That must be fake.

I feel that Georgia made a huge mistake invading South Osettia. For one it was unwarranted aggression against a state that is smaller than them. Second it gave Russia an excuse to push it's weight around.

Russia is using this to say that nothing gets done in their part of the world without their say. That is a bad attitude, but it's a little hypocritical for the USA to get all sanctimonious about invading a country for political reasons, when they themselves did it in 2003. I think the US has valid criticisms, it would just be nice if we held ourselves to the same standard.

I was actually flipping through channels last night while I was exercising and I kept it on C Span for a bit and Condi Rice was talking about the whole situation there and someone brought up a question about what you were saying and she said something along the lines of 'Russia's aggression is unjustified' or something and all I could think of was the shit that's going on in Iraq. It was pissing me off.
I heard Bush's latest statement about this on NPR yesterday. Once again he's making matters worse by giving Russia an attitude. He threatened that Russia's relationship with the US and the world was threatened and that we don't want another Cold War. Totally hypocritical considering he blamed Russia for a "disproportionate response" to the South Ossetian conflict.

Once again, a localized conflict is being blown way out of proportion because the bigger powers on either side of the issue feel that their influence over world affairs is being threatened. And if you think of it in those terms, you would have to favor Russia, because not only is it trying to make a statement that the US doesn't control every world affair, and that the immediate conflict actually involves them. The US should mind its own business now because the cease-fire has been signed, now let Russia annex the two regions who would rather be part of Russia than Georgia.
I feel that Georgia made a huge mistake invading South Osettia. For one it was unwarranted aggression against a state that is smaller than them. Second it gave Russia an excuse to push it's weight around.

Russia is using this to say that nothing gets done in their part of the world without their say. That is a bad attitude, but it's a little hypocritical for the USA to get all sanctimonious about invading a country for political reasons, when they themselves did it in 2003. I think the US has valid criticisms, it would just be nice if we held ourselves to the same standard.

Don't forget that Russia had peacekeeping forces in the country to enforce the original cease-fire agreement, and 12 Russian soldiers were killed when Georgia invaded Ossetia.
Yeah, which is why it was incredibly foolhardy of the Georgians to invade. This has nothing really to do with South Osettia or the peacekeepers, that was just the excuse. You don't shatter a country's military and occupy most of the country because some peacekeepers died. A coalition of nations did not even do that much when Iraq invaded a sovereign nation in the early 90s.

I think the American response would be justified had we any credibility in world affairs. It is not fair of Russia to flex it's muscle and coerce it's former satellites into doing what it wants, just as it's not fair for the US to force regime changes in other countries.
Georgia is fighting for territorial integrity of the country. It's understandable. Are those methods really justified though?.. I'm not sure that it's worth of thousands people's lives.
Russia is trying to help Osetia, yet being involved in something that doesn't concern it.
And a decent part of information about war details that goes to US and Europe is incorrect and turned against Russia.

I think this planet is tired of us.
Well, if the war escalates and the two nations ignore the cease-fire (which they will), Georgia won't stand for long against Russia. They signed their death warrant when they invaded South Ossetia.

Unless, of course, we get involved...