rusted, let's get the shit over with

this petty bickering over religion by board members has GOT to stop. i'm cool with anyone's beliefs, as long as those expressed beliefs don't cause too many problems. i think you'll agree that this has been blown way out of proportion, not necessarily by you, mainly by the people that can't accept the fact that you are expressing your beliefs and they don't agree with them. as long as you don't get high and mighty about it, you are still the same dude you were before, spirituality shouldn't change how someone relates with others. and i don't think that will happen.

come on, guys, this should have been harmless, but everyone has made a big deal out of it. i say live and let live. religion will always cause problems, just like politics. let's keep our little community here together, with no one "cut-off" due to their religious beliefs. he's still mostly the same as he was before, to me, anyway.

come on, let's end this stupid shit
why didn't you just post this in the other post you made instead of making a new post and wasting space on this message board.
fuck you motherfucker

You are the one arguing with people about religion on a nevermore message board.All I did was suggest you reply in a thread that was already made instead of starting a new one and thus, wasting space.
i wasn't "arguing", fuckwad. i was trying to straighten things out. as for the other thread, which doesn't have the same subject, it has become too long and probably wouldn't be read if it was on page 2 or 3.

arguing about this is a waste of space and time so i will stop now