Rusty Cooley...

those are awesome videos. those 8strings would prolly be kinda awkward cuza their size to anyone lacking rusty's skill, but those vids are real nice.
v01c354nd51gn5 said:
those are awesome videos. those 8strings would prolly be kinda awkward cuza their size to anyone lacking rusty's skill, but those vids are real nice.

you can definatly tell hes still adjusting to those fanned frets are trippy..
He's got some killer sweeps, speed, and some cool Vai-esque melodies in there. I love it! Rusty always has cool melodic ideas going on.

Those fanned frets must indeed take some getting used to.
theres a few idiots over there that bash him just cause they cant come anywhere close to him..there like "he has no passion, hes just doing excersices that isnt real music blah blah" obviously from people who have never heard any of his music with Outworld, which kicks ass..
The guy's insane, that's for sure... ;)

But, playing aside, that 8-string sure is trippy... the first ptime I saw an 8-string was on Meshuggah's last album, and they had normal frets (normal like... not.. like this :D )
