Ryan Adams covering Maiden wearing Emperor shirt


Record Label(s)/Vocalist
Sep 12, 2007
It's well documented that Ryan Adams is a big fan of heavy metal. This is a really cool (partial) cover of Wasted Years. Great testament to a well-written song when you can strip away all the layers and it comes out like this. Killer. Note he is sporting Emperor shirt as well. :)

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I thought I wasn't out of touch with radio pop but I guess I am. Never heard of this kid before in my life, but cool that he's sportin' an Emperor shirt. Don't really know what else to say :Spin:
Well, for those people who enjoy music outside the metal realms (which i know there are plenty of us in here) Ryan Adams is a pretty well known, and popular singer/songwriter who began his career in Whiskeytown (1994) and eventually went solo. His (released) discography is quite vast with 10+ albums released (and i have lost track of unreleased albums). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryan_Adams

i don't follow his twitter, but apparently he posts about metal frequently on there. I just know from various articles over the years i have read about him talking about growing up in NC and being a metal-head. my apologies for not being able to go back over the last 10 years and quote from the sources. hahaha.

this person follows him apparently.
Up the irons, Ryan Adams?

also, HT had Emperor "In The Nightside Eclipse" reprints done? when was this? i would have loved to have snagged one.

i forgot about this Damone version too. this band was fun too.
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Have no clue who this guy is, and 10 plus released albums doen't guarante you will be well kno0wn
Just to back Matt on this, Ryan Adams is at least as popular in the world of hipster music as Dream Theater is in the realm of metal. In the States, he plays to roughly 3,500 people a night. His ridiculous string of albums (3 with Whiskeytown, 8 solo recordings, and 5 with The Cardinals, and this doesn't even count the 10 EPs he's recorded), all released only since 1995, have almost all charted on Billboard's Top 200. Not to mention (and to the chagrin of most males in America), he's married to Mandy Moore. He is in fact a well-documented fan of metal, particularly the really heavy stuff, yet he's more known for writing alt-country tunes. I never really cared for his music, but that is a pretty interesting version of a classic Maiden tune.

Stay metal. Never rust.
i forgot about this Damone version too. this band was fun too.

Ok, at first I was giving Ryan Adams the benefit of the doubt, thinking "ok, his version is pretty much exactly the same as Danny Cavanagh's version (that Cavanagh first presented at least 3 years ago), but maybe it's not a blatant ripoff because there's only one way to do 'Wasted Years' acoustic, and they both arrived at it independently."

But no, Damone shows that there are vastly different ways to arrange the song, so the fact that Adams's version is identical to Cavanagh's (he even has the same frickin' fret clamped!!) pretty much proves that this is Ryan Adams covering a Danny Cavanagh arrangement of an Iron Maiden song.

So can we please change this into a thread about how awesome Anathema/Danny Cavanagh is rather than how awesome Ryan Adams is?
