604 clocks in at 30 sec., Cupajoe at 45, that's less than 1 1/2 min. of S.O.D. influence on an album with 64 min. playtime, Born Again Idiot is the only fast song on a record with 15 songs (if you count Pieces), 1 Thrash song out of 15 on an Anthrax album, i think that was Thrax's biggest problem within the last 15 years, on Stomp zero Thrash songs out of 11 on an Anthrax album, WCFYA: What doesn't die, Any Place But Here, Black Dahlia, only 3 songs out of 14 that have at least faster parts and a heavier sound overall. in the last 15 years Anthrax was without Thrash, without fast and heavy songs, kind of Anthrax without Anthrax, that's why their fanbase became smaller and smaller with every album, the core of Thrax's fanbase were people that liked fast and heavy music, i think they weren't too happy with songs like Black Lodge, Nothing, Bare, Toast To The Extras, Pieces, Safe Home,..., the problem wasn't Bush on vocals, the problem was the dramatic change of sound from Thrash to mallcore.