Sabbat BBC Sessions


Five Times.
Jul 5, 2006
Stratford-upon-Avon, England
I've been trying to get hold of the 1986 Sabbat BBC sessions for a long, long, long while now (since 1986 in fact), and just got directed here by a guy off the Metal Hammer forum who said that Andy Sneap occasionally posts replies on this thread.
Pretty self-explanatory really, I'm after a copy of the above item. I'm not bothered about it being an original copy with artwork etc, just a tape of it or a cd burn would do the trick just as well.
I heard it on the radio the night it was broadcast but my tape recorder was f**ked so I couldn't record it. I've asked around and been down several internet dead ends and this has surely got to be my last chance of getting it.
So, if anybody out there (including Mr Sneap himself) either has, or knows somebody that has a copy then please reply here.
Moochos Grassy Arse.
Excellent. Wouldn't know how to convert things to MP3 even if I had a guidebook. Only started using the internet about a year ago!
As for trading, I've not done this before so what kind of stuff would you be after?
Got a few things but nothing on original tape, I'm afraid; only cd. Stupidly got rid of all my rare taped stuff years ago.
If you're not interested then fair enough but I have got quite a large collection of stuff on cd including rarities/stuff not released officially on cd (so, copies/cd-r's basically). If you don't mind them being on cd-r then give me a list of some bands that you're after stuff of and I'll see what I can rustle up. As an example, I've got a few demo tracks of Slayer's Reign in Blood sessions. The quality as you'd expect is rough (no vocals either) but it's definitely them - you can just tell.
Seeing as I get them from a friend though, there's obviously no packaging or anything, just the discs.
If you're not bothered about that then is there anything else you could suggest as I've been hunting for these sessions for years now? If not, then sorry for wasting your time.

By the way, one last thing. What are the track titles again? My memory's a bit faded now but was one called The 13th Disciple - later re-arranged/re-titled as Horned is the Hunter?

this is the info i have for it:

1. A Cautionary Tale
2. For Those Who Died
3. The 13th Disciple (later retitled 'Horned Is the Hunter' with different lyrics)

Tracks 1-3 from BBC Friday Rock Show. Recorded at BBC Maida Vale Studios, London 1987-02-06, broadcast on 1987-02-27.
If you want i could just email you the mp3's i have of it on my ipod, i have it in a lossless format on a CD as well but i would have to post through the mail for that. And to be honest its pretty hard to tell the difference between mp3 and CD quality, it's just poncey trader types like myself who are worried about that kind of thing :p
I would like to grab these off you TFN. :)

I've also got plenty of webspace I can chuck them up on for others to leech too if Andy doesn't mind...
