Sacramentum - Far Away From The Sun

kmik said:
You're definitely good with words but this review is full of bullshit. Second paragraph, you could replace 'Sacramentum' with 'Burzum' or any other band you like and you'd get away with that, because supposedly all of them are out of time and consciousness and provide endless possibilities in life and all that crap. The entire idea is to back that up. So you're not dealing with aesthetics because you're interested in the emotions that music evokes and what it tries to achieve, fair enough, but exactly how is it done? For example, a film such as Memento uses reverse chronology (an aesthetical element) to leave the viewer in a state of confusion which in turn reflects the protagonist's inability to make new memories and, more importantly, his general uncertainity about life and the nature of vengeance. Or, black metal bands usually have simple guitar work to highlight their longing to primitivism and the past.

To me, music reviews by you and your friends always seem to draw arbitary conclusions about works without explaining how you arrived at them - what is it about the actual sound that has a neo nazi subtext?

:lol: :lol: :lol: