Overrated Classics: The Revenge

Depends what the rating means. If you're rating compared with other existing metal albums, it's almost as good as it gets so i'd go about 9. If you're rating on how good you think metal can be, i'd probably say 7
Depends what the rating means. If you're rating compared with other existing metal albums, it's almost as good as it gets so i'd go about 9. If you're rating on how good you think metal can be, i'd probably say 7

It mainly depends on the reviewer. I've come accross some sites where it doesn't seem like a rating below an 8/10 exists - usually a lot of magazines write favouring kiss-ass reviews.

There isn't necessarily a right and wrong answer for a review. However, I hate people who are moderately dissapointed with an album and give it a 1/10.
I agree. It's a fucking fantastic album. I can't understand how so many metal "elitists" nowadays are dismissing it.
Sacramentum took the melodic ideas of Dissection and took them to a completely different level and making it much better.

While The Somberlain is pretty damn good, Storm of the Lights bane fails where that one succeeded. The album as a whole is very lacking, and it seems to be just random songs put together with a whole bunch of different ideas. Some of the songs do fucking rule. Thorns of Crimson Death!
Sacramentum stand on their own regardless if they are influenced by Dissection. Sacramentum does not sound like some second rate ripp off band or like they are copying dissection.
For some reason, I wasn't all that crazy about "Storm..." when it came out, but over time it really grew on me - as did Dissection as a whole. I never thought they lived up to the mega-hype, but then again who does? What held it back for me was the drumming. The drummer wasn't terribly proficient with double-bass, kind of one-dimesional and somewhat behind the rest of the band talent-wise.
I thought Amarantus had another post, anyways he had a good point.

I did, but I deleted it. I get tired of arguing with morons about the same shit over and over so I'm just going to ignore threads like this from now on. People need to get a life and listen to whatever they want. I don't care what anyone else thinks about an album, because I probably hear it differently than you. So all in all, fuck you and your review, and all reviews in general.
I agree with most of Falco's reviews. But I actually like this album a lot, despite the overly melodic melodies and arguably mainstream catchyness. I find it an extremely well written masterpiece of blackened melodeath.
Sacramentum stand on their own regardless if they are influenced by Dissection. Sacramentum does not sound like some second rate ripp off band or like they are copying dissection.
Yeah, I don't find Sacramentum to be Dissection clones by any stretch of the imagination. Sacramentum are pure melodic black metal; there is no death metal or melodeath whatsoever in their sound. Dissection, I don't consider a black metal band; I would call their sound blackened melodeath.
Storm... is one of the albums that got me heavily into metal years back. I seldom listen to it nowadays, but it's about the only album from that period that I can still stomach. The Somberlain is light years ahead, and Sacramentum's debut demolishes them both.