SACRED DAWN - Thanks for Filling in on Saturday!


The Nightmare Has Begun..
Just had to say, THANK YOU to Chris and Rob for invited our newly signed artist and Chicago native SACRED DAWN to be on the bill at the last minute when a couple of bands couldn't make the show.

I think they really connected with the crowd, after their set we blew through 30 CD's of theirs in about 5-10 minutes, and had several more people asking.
Just had to say, THANK YOU to Chris and Rob for invited our newly signed artist and Chicago native SACRED DAWN to be on the bill at the last minute when a couple of bands couldn't make the show.

I think they really connected with the crowd, after their set we blew through 30 CD's of theirs in about 5-10 minutes, and had several more people asking.

Lance beat alot of us to the punch on this. Sacred Dawn is a great band.
Yes, I agree.
Ha Ha!

It seemed there was some theory going around that the crowd would be disappointed that they would be replacing Chaoswave, which is why they were kept so secret on Friday night??
I don't know...I could be wrong, but that was confusing to me.
Either way...I'm glad they were so accepted by the crowd.
Thanks for the kind words everyone. It was definitely a pleasure to be part of the whole experience. Absolutely the best crowd we've had yet. I hope we get to do it again next year. METAL!!!!!
Absolutely...agreement all the way around. Adding SD to the show made the Saturday night lineup even more exciting for me. You should have heard the people up in the balcony around me who had never heard of them before raving about them! I was glad to hold their places on the railing for them as I kept sending them downstairs to visit Lance's table to buy their copies of the cd. At the end of the night, they were all in agreement that of all the bands they saw that they had never seen before that night, SD was their favorite!! Congratz to Sacred Dawn and Nightmare Records!! :headbang:
Flying-V ukulele!! FTW!!:kickass:

Sacred Dawn were awesome, but their bass player kept sexually harassing me and it made me very uncomfortable.

- R
Sacred Dawn was a pleasant surprise. Great show guys, hope to see you again next year!
heres a suggestion to Chris and Gate, concerning 09
you might as well put SD on the list in the first place.
I would actually be satisfied with the idea of the Chicago Scene to be the lower supporting/opening acts.
So say
Sacred Dawn and Novembers Doom 1 night
Twelfth Gate and Ion Vein the next
Then you get your out of towners (or countryers XD) and have the headliners. You had a concept close to that this year but but it would help prevent such a fiasco as AO and Chaoswave event.

Besides I want to see SD and Ion Vein again.:lol: