Sad News


Sep 12, 2004
Virginia Beach, VA USA
I know that many of the Saxon fans are familiar with my beloved, Arkitex. I am sad to say that he passed away suddenly on Sunday, July 17. He was only 39. He shared his love of Saxon with me. I am writing because he came on this forum pretty regularly; he had befriended many of the members.
We had been together for two and a half weeks in June and July. I was moving there to marry him in September and settle in the United Kingdom, but I came back to Virginia to sell my home. Umesh was my life; I have known him since February 2002.
I was the last one to speak to him on the morning of his death. I have not yet found out any details but am speaking with the coroner today after the start of business hours.
Please pray for his friends and family.
Cindi -

I read this with shock. Please accept my love and thoughts for yourself and Arkitex's family and friends. I hope you and the family find some form of resolve to this tragic loss shortly.
Take care and I am so sorry.

Craig (NightWar)

What can I say - I am totally shocked at your tragic news. I was only thinking about the 2 of you last night and wondering how things were going because I knew you were coming over here to be with Arkitex. I cannot believe this has happened. I didn't know Arkitex at all but I had chatted on here with you a few times and it was obvious by what you were saying about him that the two of you were totally in love.

And my heart too goes out to you Cindi - take care.

My sincere condolences to you and Arkitex's family, Cindi.

I will remember his "Friday Joke" posts, in particular the dirty tree & a turd joke, thankyou Arkitex for making us laugh, RIP my Metal friend.
Although i didnt know of him here, any Saxon Brother is a Saxon Brother of mine.

Im so sincerely sorry for your tragic loss.

Take care.