Sadistik Exekution 4 life ! ! ! ! !

Yeah they do play live now and then. In fact they toured Europe in 95 with Impaled Nazarene and Absu. Sadistik Exektuion live is like watching psychopaths on evil drugs. Rok screams, Kriss pierces his skin with 100 or so saftey pins, Dave attacks people - spits on them, kicks them. Sometimes they get into fights with the crowd. It's insane.
i saw em play in melb fkken ages ago , in 95 or somthing, they were headling i think, anyway it was really cool they were spitting and dribbling, and throwing pigs heads, then i think chris hades started saying "we are dead! we are fucked!" and the whole croud was reapeating it, this was a pretty big croud more than 1000 so it was pretty cool
Kriss had this freak book with photos of piercings. One was a scrotum pined to a board like a cobweb and I used to take pleasure in terrorising every male visitor by chasing him around the house with that pic :D

Dave is currently working on solo material and has a CD out. I can't remember what he calls the project. I've got the CD but all I can remember is the lime green and the picture of Dave with alien antenna.

Goreripper, can you remember?
Originally posted by Goreripper
They are cool guys. A little crazy, but cool.
ill second that
i recently met dave when i was in sydney
that guy is continually on the go, i wanna know what he's on
good bloke tho