Sadus Attack!


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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Sadus is one of my favorite bands.
i've missed their show in The Netherlands last year,
(although i got a long-sleeves from that tour, and i could build a tent for the homeless from that shirt, its HUGE! but anyway.....)
i know they will play again in europe next month!!

i was wondering if there is any american tour maybe ?
is Sadus planning to play in the US ?
(especially in my area ? :D )

~ Karen.
Holy MO!

its the Sadus dude! my metal brother! my familia member!
hi! :wave:

well i will try to convince the Sadus members to play here so you could come all the way from the holy land to visit me :D
(lol, you bastard, thats the only reason you'll come huh? )

you hear that Steve?
now do something :D
I am actually. We're going to be playing out a lot in the coming new year. Well, that's how I see it anyway, and that's what I'm shooting for. It's up to the mighty King Lewie to get on the horn and find who wants to take the chance and book us. So we'll see...who's game..?
Now look what you made me do. I let out some of the info that's coming on a new Sadus update. Good news is around the corner!
Stay tuned.
Karen Babe, u know its not the only reason.. u know that we r talking about going together 2 a sadus gig 4 a long long time, u r the only one i wanna go with.. so if i'm coming all the way from the holyland it will be 2 see u and to see the sadudes with u... :cool:

Steve, wanna come 2 play in israel? :grin:
i know that Lyle from Dragonlord wants 2, so we can arrange Sadus/Dragonlord/Testament Israeli tour... its almost the same members in all the bands so...;)
and i'm serious about Sadus gig in Israel...
hail yeah!

i wish Sadus will come to play in israel and see the badass audience there!
they rule! :kickass:

and please have a Sadus tour so Sadus can come and watch it like we are planning for years now haha :lol: yeah, do it for us :D me and sadus are like brothers :D
lets have a reunion !!

btw sadus: Steven Smith kicked ass last night with Nevermore ! \m/