SADUS in Brazil !!!


The 13th Monkey
Feb 12, 2002
Golden State
São Paulo to be exact.

Yes...I know it's already posted here. But I had to just say it again because we just signed the performance agreements. So now it feels totally official!
Me and Jon Allen will also be playing for Testament that night. But we did that same thing back in August for the original Thrash Of The Titans, so we know the deal.
But hey! Sadus doesn't get out much these days (years), so we're really looking forward to jamming again. We get a decent set time, so we're thinking about pulling out an old one we haven't played in a while. We've also been thinking about getting Chuck Billy to come on stage and we can bust out one of me and Darrens new tunes we're working on for the new album with Chuck. Maybe I'm too hopeful.
So what do you think, play a good mix from all the albums, or break out a bunch of old shit?
Fila da puta.
you're mixing spanish and italian while brazilians speak portuguese... jeesh..
I'd mix. Some fans might like the older stuff, some might like the newer stuff. Gotta make people happy. But I think just playing Sadus stuff will make the Brazillians happy enough.
Originally posted by HippieOfDoom
...and Darrens new tunes we're working on for the new album with Chuck. Maybe I'm too hopeful.
So what do you think, play a good mix from all the albums, or break out a bunch of old shit?
Fila da puta.

A new Sadus album in the works??? Wow!!
Tell us more! How's it gonna be? What's it going to be called?
Spit it out, dude! ;)
It's simple: PLAY ALL OF YOUR SONGS!!! :D

Hehehehe, I think it would be cool playing old stuff, but all of us would be glad of seeing the new songs, so then mix something very old with the new songs, it would be killer...

See ya!
Ah I dream of seeing Sadus live in Southern California!

My dream live set would be the following, in no particular order:

Elements Of Anger:
Safety In Numbers
Power Of one

Vision Of Misery:
Through the eyes of greed
Slave to misery
Deceptive perceptions

Chemical Exposure/Illusions
Certain death
Sadus attack

Swallowed in black:
good rid'nz

I would love to see this set live and more songs! but i think 13 songs an average set number!

hehehehehehe, but... It would be really cool to see a bass solo... So DO IT!!!

See ya
Hey Steve,
J"freaky"R here. I think it would be cool, if you would play a song of "Human", "Individual thought Patterns" or "Fragile Art of Existense" with Sadus as a Tribute for Chuck Schuldiner. The setlist must be a mixture of ALL Sadus-albums. Every album is great, but everyone has his own favourite (as for me: 1. Vision of misery, 2.Swallowed in Black, 3.Illusions, 4.Elements of Anger).
So make a setlist for everyone with Songs of all albums.
For the DIEHARD-Fans you could play KILL-TEAM! It's sad, this song is only left on the SADUS-merchandise....
Do you like ATTENTION DEFICIT (with Scolnick on guitars)?
:spin: I got a bunch of new great RockJazz-albums.... Maybe I'll find the time, to send you some new stuff.
Hails to all SADUS-FANS! Jan

Ps: A SADUS European-tour.....????.....STOP DREAMING!!!!:lol: