Sadus re-release



From yesterday's blabbermouth (hope it's new enough):

Displeased Records have announced plans to reissue several long-out-of-print classic death and thrash albums. The following CDs will be remastered, and will include bonus material, lyrics and biography:

SADUS - "Illusions/Chemical Exposure"
SADUS - "Swallowed in Black"
SADUS - "Vision of Misery"

TOXIK – "World Circus"
TOXIK – "Think This"
DISINCARNATE – "Dreams of the Carrion Kind"
SACRIFICE – "Torment in Fire"
SACRIFICE – "Forward to Termination"
GORGUTS - "Considered Dead"
GORGUTS - "Erosion of Sanity"

All releases will be printed in limited first editions of 5,000 copies. Represses will follow in a later stage. More info will follow when the individual release dates have been set. CDs will be released on a monthly basis, starting from September 28, 2006.
let's hope so, these albums are , except on ebay, hard to find (talking about the Sadus albums...)...
maybe a new tour with Sadus after that, to promote the old albums? :)
I only seek Chemical Exposure on CD & vinyl. I've got Illusions, and I'm damn happy with it! I assume it wasn't released on CD.

Agricola666 said:
I only seek Chemical Exposure on CD & vinyl. I've got Illusions, and I'm damn happy with it! I assume it wasn't released on CD.


I'm pretty sure "Chemical Exposure" is the 1989/1991 (Tape/CD) reissue of "Illusions" since it was an independent release and then re-released by RC. Don't have the OG LP with me at the moment but if they include bonus stuff that's cool. I got some reissues from Displeased records about a year or two back and needless to say I was displeased. Their version of a "remaster" is just to release the same material in new packaging. I don't think their gonna run the old tapes through more channels. Plus, any good remaster costs a fair bit of money (24-Bit analog to digital) and sadly I don't think they'll properly remaster the stuff; re-release yes.
i suppose you guys do know, that the band isn't getting any money from this... write the folks at DISPLEASED and let them know:

get them what they deserve...
how come they don't get money from that? it's their work, and if Displeased want to bring these re-releases out, haven't they signed a contract for that?

if the band don't get any money from it, I won't buy, simple as that.
Darren's said that they never saw any money from the first three and probably won't. I believe Roadrunner (formerly Roadracer/Roadster?) owns the first three discs, as you can see their Publishing notice printed on the Chronicles of Chaos disc. It also says "Manufactured under license from Roadrunner International B.V." on the back of the case.

I assume that Displeased is either a subsidiary of Roadrunner or licensed the rights for the re-releases from Roadrunner? Either way, Sadus isn't seeing the money. Pisses me off!
NESFantasy said:
Darren's said that they never saw any money from the first three and probably won't. I believe Roadrunner (formerly Roadracer/Roadster?) owns the first three discs, as you can see their Publishing notice printed on the Chronicles of Chaos disc. It also says "Manufactured under license from Roadrunner International B.V." on the back of the case.

Oh yeah. You're totally right here. Roadracer and all the subsequent Roadrunner spin-off mini labels were notorious for not paying their artists back in the day. Tony Scaglione of Whiplash quit the band over that reason. They kept coming out with albums and not getting paid. One can only take so much of that but luckily he found work replacing Dave Lombardo for the position as drummer on the 'Reign in Blood' tour of '86-'87. Not bad for an out of work drummer! Maybe Sadus can find a way to release the first three albums again where they get paid, maybe have them distributed through or something. Of course a team of lawyers and record labels make copyright law an industry all unto itself.
I was thinking....there's really no winning situation entering my mind, but if the word is spread that this isn't endorsed by the band, that they aren't getting anything from it...considering that most of the word-of-mouth for Sadus fans right now seems to be the internet, couldn't there be an effective boycott of the re-releases? I mean, I don't have the CDs and I'd really like to get them, but I'd much rather pay someone that ISN'T trying to screw the band than a company who is.

The fans care, and while it wouldn't be 100% effective, these guys don't sound like a huge label. If the internet fans say "Fuck you", will they really get much business?
Oh, it's alright. It's good to be realistic. I just hadn't heard about Displeased Records until this news of a re-release began. I figured it couldn't be so big if I'd never heard a mention until now.

We'll see what happens, I suppose.
As far as the reissues, there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. But I'm not so guarded about it. The situation is that Roadrunner records owns the rights to those three albums for 20 years after the deal starts for each album, so 2010, 2011, and 2012 respectively. Displeased records paid whatever they were required, and will continue to pay out to Roadrunner in order to re-release all three. By Roadrunner owning the rights still, they are not doing anything outside of the contract we signed with them to do something like this. Displeased records will make money off of the sales, sure. But they are obligated to pay Roadrunner a royalty rate, and after production costs, I don't think it's enough to agonize over.

The way I see it, is that our music is getting more readily available to the old fucks and new young fucks that have been scanning, and over paying on ebay to get it. All of this wouldn't be happening if we didn't stoke the embers and revitalize ourselves. The reissue demo cd, the Santiago DVD, the new album, the shows, the upcoming DVD, and now the reissued Roadrunner albums...all in the last two or three years. In the big picture, it's all brought Sadus back to life and got people talking about us again, wanting to book us more, and listening to our music again...maybe more than ever.

Displeased is willing to take a risk of cost to sales on our modest trilogy of thrash albums that never made such a huge splash in the sea of metal. I view it as a compliment to our staying power that they would even pay attention to us. If they were only money hungry, trust me, they would go after a band that would pose a better possiblilty to generate a substantial profit. Their intentions are good, and no blame should be put on them for our shitty deal that we signed with Roadrunner - or less modestly - the deal that Roadrunner knowingly tricked us and many bands into. In fact, props should be garnered to them for beating out our current employer, Mascot, for the rights and opportunity to re-release to what some call "cult albums". Be careful not to confuse ethusiasm with greed.

If I haven't persuaded you yet, then I guess you can start some kind of Displeased boycott on some website or something. But leagally, nothing is being waged against us. Money people potenially make off of us vs. fans that breathe life into our mostly stagnant band, is a fair trade off in my mind.

So, you'd rather us buy them and enjoy the music, even though you three won't be seeing any profit from it? I can't really argue with you saying it, though it still sucks. And it also makes me think, you guys signed over the album rights, correct? So what can they possibly include as bonus material (which I presume wasn't included in Roadrunner's contracted rights)? Wouldn't they have to give you payment for things that they didn't buy originally?

And what happens in 2010, 2011, and 2012. Is that when their ownership of your material expires and you all can get it back? That would certainly be nice.

I can say that I really want to get Illusions/SiB/AVOM, because I've only heard the Chronicles of Chaos disc and want something more substantial. I just hate to think that you guys don't benefit at all from that aspect of our appreciation. However, a new DVD? That does sound nice. I've been trying to get the Chile DVD from a friend that runs a music store in Santiago. But a new DVD...something to look forward to.
In Italy Roadrunner could have NEVER "tricked" u like that. There's a big institution here that force labels to give a certain percentage to artists... on the other side this damn institution sucks money from little labels, live clubs and customers, but well... at least artists always have their rights paid.