Saffire 56 User’s Please Help!

Jan 23, 2008
Its been a really long time since I’ve recorded anything or even had an Interface for that matter, but Im having a hell of a time trying to get my saffire hooked up properly, spent all of yesterday and most of today trying to figure it out, one of my problems was that the back of my case was pushing on the firewire plugin and slowly pushing it out, so I would go back and forth trying to find out why the fuck the damn thing would stop working out of the blue figured that out and got a separate fire wire PCI card. That prior issue slowed everything up and kept making me think I was doing something wrong with the routing in the saffire mix control. But it seems to be working now I just Set it to DAW TRACKING, Is this what most of you saffire users do in your Saffire mix controls? I don’t have outboard gear anything just straight up Saffire into computer.

But Now to my actual Question: I need help trying to figure out how to setup the bus input and output sections In Nuendo for this thing When I have 8 Mono input Busses On, the mic pres all work and with one stereo bus to Monitor 1 & 2 I get ouput from Nuendo but what I cant seem to figure out is that when I create 8 more mono Output busses I cannot select the Outputs as inputs on other audio channels. So how am I supposed to go about reamping DI’s or do much of anything For that matter? Mabey im completely off my rocker but I don’t remember anything like this happening to my FP10 last year, and can only Stare at this thing for so long before I get to drunk and smash the fucking thing.
What are your guys Bus setups and what do you suggest I do if all im running is Saffire straight in
Is this a bus problem? Or A Saffire MixControl problem?



I have more screen shots of what im talking about but my internet is fucking up as well :mad: technology is failing me.
but what I cant seem to figure out is that when I create 8 more mono Output busses I cannot select the Outputs as inputs on other audio channels. So how am I supposed to go about reamping DI’s or do much of anything For that matter?
Either you are not understanding how things work or i don't understand what you are saying. I have a saffire pro 10 and all i had to do is configure in the DAW (reaper) the inputs and outputs so i can select them internally in the DAW.

If you want to ReAmp what you need to do is route the DI track to one of the outputs configured in the DAW, that select the Outputs as inputs you mentioned as got me confused :zombie:

For this to work the control panel of the saffire has to be configured so that what's showing on the Outputs is the DAW outputs and not the analog Inputs from the Saffire, in the Saffire PRO 10 this can be selected in pairs of two channels, i am certain the PRO 56 is even more flexible.
Well On the 7th read of the manual I Finally realized what the fuck i was doing wrong. Plus some of the plugins i was using were fucking everything up as well And i couldnt figure out that that had any thing to do with it.

For some Reason Electric-Q as an insert in my guitar chain was pushing the audio ahead of the what was supposed to be outputted by like a quarter note? Guess im doing something wrong with that Plugin as well?