Saffire pro 40/UX1/Pod Farm2 problem


Jun 22, 2011
Hi guys i have just purchase a saffire pro 40 but it seems that my pod farm doesn' run with it...i explain better..i install my saffire mix,then restart the cmoputer pluggin the saffire pro 40 in ,keeping my ux1 plugged to the computer in order to have the licence of pod farm actived. then i set saffire as interface of my comp.i open pod farm in stand alone and i set saffire as hardware of pf! i open cubase and set asio saffire for the mixer of saffire i have as routing preset DAW. but pod farm in every case doesn't run.if i put ux1 as hardware system and asio ux1 for cubase all goes well but with saffire nothing goes well!
here's some screenshot.i need your help guys!
Unfortunatly You don't seem to be able to use standalone mode on PODfarm with other interfaces. You have to open it as a Vst in your DAW and have the moniter button in Cubase activated.