Sam (FalseTodd), can you give me some hi-hat tips?


Aug 10, 2002

i don't have time to take lessons and there's something that is really making me sick: i don't know how to play, to use, what's is the point of the hi-hat when the cymbals are separeted. i only know how to play when they're together.

can you help me?
ehehe....i like girls, but we have to agree that they're dangerous sometimes...

i'll change...

girls = money

: o )
Originally posted by VangelicSurgeon

if women = time x money


time = money

then women = money^2

considering that money is the root of evil, money^2=evil


women = evil

I loved this when I first saw it! Got the original picture of the proof?
You do not hit the hi-hat while it is opened (at least usually you don't). You hit a closed hi-hat with the pedal pressed down, and as you hit it you let it up.
Ecto - it depends on what you mean by open. I never have too much need for a wide open hihat sound, so I usually just keep the cymbals maybe a quarter or a half-inch apart (when my foot is all the way off the pedal). That way you get that clangy sound of the two cymbals hitting one another, which is the way 99% of metal songs are played. That way your left foot is free for the second bass drum pedal...

So anyway the cymbals are pretty much always together, you just close them down a little more or a little less depending on what sound you are looking for.
thanks dude...that's what i thought...most metal songs are played with the cymbals together...but sometimes i listen to many hi-hat sound effects (alive and in studio recordings) that i can't figure out how drummers do that...for me it's pretty much impossible to reach that sound just letting the cymbals almost together...
did you get what i mean?
I think I know what you mean - You can get alot more variation spacing the cymbals farther apart than that, but its just tough for playing metal cause you need your left foot free.

I dont' think I've ever heard a drummer playing wide open hi hats for anything except quick accents. In that case they're just hitting the cymbals at the same as letting their foot off the pedal, then quickly closing the pedal again for a kind of "Sheeeee-oomp" sound....

I dunno, is this helpful at all?
Although I myself have used that equation before, if girls take time and money wouldn't it be girls = time + money = 2*money -> girls = 2*sqrt(evil)?
Or is it money per hour, which would lead to money/time once scales have been decided?