HI HAT set up (help me drummers!)


Aug 10, 2002
Hi people...

I'm starting to play drums and, of course, I have to take lessons and stuff. But at this moment I don't have enough time for this and, up to now, I can't understand how to set up the hi hat, I mean, I don't know how to use the pedal. The only sound I know how to do is when I set the two cymbals together, one "glued" to the another (and in this position we can't use the pedal).

Can you give me some advice? How to play with the cymbals when they're separated using the pedal?

ummm... heres a question for you..... do you know how to properly put the top cymbal in the hi-hat clutch? If not thats the first step.......

If yer not sure I'll try to type out how to do it properly (i'm better at showing people than trying to explain it) but I'll give it a whirl....
hmmm strange question LOL. Lesson's dont help much IMO its a waste of money and time... Really depends , on how much you already know about music. And what type of music you wanna play. If you came from a guitar or bass back round , you should get a grasp on things quick. BUT if you just started on drums with no musical back round then i understand 2 or 3 months of lesson should get you on the right path....

I can't give any more adivce until i know what music you are going to play. But as they say.. start with the basic out look of drums getting a Rythm And also seperating your limbs from one an anthor is a VERY important concept in playing the Drums.

PS: Sorry for spelling mistakes iam quit buzzing from brew.

I will be more then glade to help once i get to know more about your situation , plz tell me what drum set you have , how many pieaces you have. and what style of music you will play.
I set it so that I open the clamp (or whatever it's called, the one that clutches the upper hat) and let the top hat rest freely on the lower. Then I press the pedal down just a bit, and tighten the clamp, so that when I release the pedal, the hats separate just a bit. That results in the sweet hissing and sizzling sound when you hit it (or, in my case, it sounds like crappy "chaach"... good old Paiste 302's :lol: ).

Experiment if you're not happy with it. Also play around with the lower hat angle adjustment spring, it affects the sound as well.
Well, I have Pearl Export Series...the contents: 2 tons, 4 cymbals (ride, crash and hi hat), the snare and there are more two pieces that I don't know their names in english (one of them we hit with a pedal and the other is bigger than the tons and has stronger sound).

Hum, my background music is basically rock, heavy metal. I listen to other stuff, but i'm more into metal.

But, did you guys understand my doubt?
I just want to learn how to use the hi hat cymbals separated, using the pedal...Sabian instructions manual says that: " keep your hi hat top cymbal slightly loose with the bottom slightly angled "...I just did that and nothing...it sounds worse.

Anyway, thanks for the tips given...
Originally posted by poet
hmmm strange question LOL. Lesson's dont help much IMO its a waste of money and time... Really depends , on how much you already know about music. And what type of music you wanna play. If you came from a guitar or bass back round , you should get a grasp on things quick. BUT if you just started on drums with no musical back round then i understand 2 or 3 months of lesson should get you on the right path....

I can't give any more adivce until i know what music you are going to play. But as they say.. start with the basic out look of drums getting a Rythm And also seperating your limbs from one an anthor is a VERY important concept in playing the Drums.

PS: Sorry for spelling mistakes iam quit buzzing from brew.

I will be more then glade to help once i get to know more about your situation , plz tell me what drum set you have , how many pieaces you have. and what style of music you will play.

Well, I have Pearl Export Series...the contents: 2 tons, 4 cymbals (ride, crash and hi hat), the snare and there are more two pieces that I don't know their names in english (one of them we hit with a pedal and the other is bigger than the tons and has stronger sound).

Hum, my background music is basically rock, heavy metal. I listen to other stuff, but i'm more into metal. And i have never been in a band or have any contact with people from this area.

But, did you guys understand my doubt?
I just want to learn how to use the hi hat cymbals separated, using the pedal...Sabian instructions manual says that: " keep your hi hat top cymbal slightly loose with the bottom slightly angled "...I just did that and nothing...it sounds worse.

Anyway, thanks for the tips given...
Originally posted by TheSilentMan
ummm... heres a question for you..... do you know how to properly put the top cymbal in the hi-hat clutch? If not thats the first step.......

If yer not sure I'll try to type out how to do it properly (i'm better at showing people than trying to explain it) but I'll give it a whirl....

Yeah, showing is much much better to understand...

And i really don't know how to put the clutch properly...

Someone told me that on cymbal is heavier than the another and the heavier must be in the top position...i tried to find which one is heavier but for me they're equal.
Originally posted by Ectoplasma

Well, I have Pearl Export Series...the contents: 2 tons, 4 cymbals (ride, crash and hi hat), the snare and there are more two pieces that I don't know their names in english (one of them we hit with a pedal and the other is bigger than the tons and has stronger sound).

Hum, my background music is basically rock, heavy metal. I listen to other stuff, but i'm more into metal. And i have never been in a band or have any contact with people from this area.

But, did you guys understand my doubt?
I just want to learn how to use the hi hat cymbals separated, using the pedal...Sabian instructions manual says that: " keep your hi hat top cymbal slightly loose with the bottom slightly angled "...I just did that and nothing...it sounds worse.

Anyway, thanks for the tips given...

''tons'' ?? You meen Toms?? I dont know how much i can help , since its hard to explain... go to your teacher , he can help. Also surf the net for shit. Also iam selling my drum kit again. And going back to my guitar. LOL Good Luck.!! ;)
I don't understand what there is to know. You press down on the pedal and the cymbals click together. Depending on how hard you press them together, you'll get a different sound. If you hit them and open them at the same time (takes practice) you get the hi-hat swish sound. As orchid sad, the best thing to do is to keep them only slightly apart when the pedal isn't pressed, they are more forgiving that way and easier to use.

anyway guys...thanks for your effort...and yeah, maybe the hi hat is one of the most complicated parts for the beginners...i'll continue trying here...i know that when you press down the pedal, the cymbals click together, but the sound is so bad...and yes, i have a Metallica video and sometimes i can see Lars Ulrich using the pedal and at the same time he uses the sticks to hit the hi hat...i tried to do the same here but with no success :(

lessons...is what have in store for me
Originally posted by Ectoplasma

Yeah, showing is much much better to understand...

And i really don't know how to put the clutch properly...

Someone told me that on cymbal is heavier than the another and the heavier must be in the top position...i tried to find which one is heavier but for me they're equal.

ok heres the best way I can explain it without showing you... yes there is a differance between hi-hats cymbals.... theres a top hi-hat cymbal (its thinner and lighter) and the bottom hi-hat cymbal (heavier and a wee bit thicker) ok now for the clutch..... ok theres a Wing nut on top of the clutch and a bolt on the bottom..... unscrew the bolt on the bottom... take out 1 felt washer (leave the other one in) slide the top hi-hat into where you took the bolt off, then put the felt washer underneath the top hi-hat cymbal (underneath the bottom of the "bell").... now screw the bolt back on.... that takes care of that... now put the bottom hi-hat cymbal on the hi-hat stand (upside down) now slide the clutch with the top hi-hat cymbal on it onto the hi-hat stand...... slightly press yer hi-hat pedal.... than tighten the wing nut.... and viola!!!! yer set up... like I said its easier to show than type.. but thats the best way I can explain it.. I hope that maybe that will help.....