Samick guitar

Hey there,
I know Samick is not a very "name" brand, but you'd be shocked to hear this... Like surfboards and snowboards, there are only 3 or 4 major companies actually producing guitars, they then sell their "blanks" (generic guitars without brand fonts) to the major companies for their mass produced models. Peavey, Jackson, Ibanez, Rogue, etc all just buy blanks and put their names on the guitars... that's why they all look exaclty the same. Samick is one of those producer companies, so they're company is the exact same quality as all the others. Samick is just fine. Just cuz you haven't heard much about them doesn't mean they're bad. Good Luck
Jackson does not contract business with Samick.

Jackson AKA Akai Music Corp, has had it's own facotry in Japan since 1986, and is not associated with Samick.

It's true that Gibson, Peavey, Ibanez, Rogue, Raven, may have some aspect of business with them. Jackson does not... that's a rumor.

Some Samicks are actually decent guitars.
Hey Ghostie.....
My brother had a Samick, but after a few months it stop to sound.....I personally dont like samicks.......well, my brother's Samick wasn'y so expensive......
Well, but for star to playing it doen't matter