Sample Length

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
How long do you guys usually make your kick/snare samples? Obviously I shave everything off at the beginning of the sample so there's no silence before the transient (which obviously throws the triggering way off), but I don't really know how long to let the tail go on it...
Matt Smith said:
How long do you guys usually make your kick/snare samples? Obviously I shave everything off at the beginning of the sample so there's no silence before the transient (which obviously throws the triggering way off), but I don't really know how long to let the tail go on it...
Usually I don't mind about the release of the sound, to me the important thing it's just the attack so I won't have a delay on the sound.

Andy is so unorthodox with some stuff! maybe you should keep a little more than you hear! Load it into Wavelabe and also have a look on what you hear!
...different people hear different things!

btw. i rediscovered St. Anger and i think it rocks!
The only problem with PT's tab to transient feature is that the algorithm it uses to find the transient peak doesn't take ascending zero crossings into consideration. What I usually do is tab to transient (if I'm looking to start right at the peak), but then go back until I get to the nearest previous ascending zero crossing, and I cut from there to keep my edits clean and click-free. Or, if I want to keep the entire character of the sound including the attack before the peak, I just do it by eye and by ear right where the amplitude starts to increase up to the peak (again, with an ascending zero crossing edit).