Sample replacement for free


Jun 13, 2007
I've read tons of threads on here about sample replacement but I've never read anyone say how to do it all with free ware.

You can use Ktdrumtriiger, to convert you drum hits to midi and there's 2 free ware VSt's called LoopAzoid and Grizzly that let you load up the sample and have them be triggered.

If you use reaper then you already have the vst's you need- reagate will convert it to midi and resamplomatic5000 will trigger the sample but you've to turn the note off obey, and change the pitchs to zero otherwise it'll mess with your sample.

this was probably really obvious to some people but I went for months without samplereplacement cause I didn't know this. hope it helps some of you guys. I'm doing my level best to use only legit software that was either free or that I paid for and this was a big step for me.
Hahaha, ain't it the truth - at least with key focus set for the edit window, you can just do the "tab-v-tab-v-tab-v" finger dance, but still... :lol:
Hahaha, ain't it the truth - at least with key focus set for the edit window, you can just do the "tab-v-tab-v-tab-v" finger dance, but still... :lol:

I'm a master at the finger dance, but on occasion I've cramped up and had to take a break. Serious fucking business! :eek:
yeah obviously there was always that option, i'm only trying to let some people who don't have the cash for aptrigga or drumagog and don't want to download them illegally that there is a way around it for free without that way of doing it
replacer sucks when it comes to fast parts, though. i tried every setting imaginable, but i just could not get it to pick up all the 16th note hits on the kick/snare/whatever.
replacer sucks when it comes to fast parts, though. i tried every setting imaginable, but i just could not get it to pick up all the 16th note hits on the kick/snare/whatever.

that is true, when exists fast parts triggar works bad...some solution for this?:confused:
jesus i didn't expect all the negativity- i can afford aptriiga, but thought i'd just post up how to do it for free since i'd never seen it before on here and it was something that took me a while to figure out. Hell i'd even asked on here before if anyone knew of a vst for loading samples for replacement that was free and I was told by people they didn't know any.
Seriously dude, just go flip some burgers for one shift (and then quit) and buy apTrigga with the money you made.

Oh dear, anyone whose seen the "Lock-Out" episode of Black Books can understand this. Pity homeless people don't try it, they could get a free meal each night! jk

Anyway, APTrigga 2 looks the best for you. A demo is available so give it a shot.
In response to "replacer sucks" ... I have no problems getting apTrigga to register 16th notes..even faster ones (floating tempos)...just have to set it right is all.
