Samplerate conversion messes midi up!


Mar 25, 2011
Hi, I'm having a problem right now that I have never come across and don't understand why it's happening.

Yesterday I began recording some synths for a new project I'm doing in Cubase 5. I'm using superior drummer 2.0 for drums (1 midi track) and ATM there is only that and 4 audio tracks for the synth parts. (guitars and bass to be added later)

Now I used an old project template to record and I stupidly forgot to check the project setup and I recorded the synths at 96.000Khz, which I never do these days so I changed the settings in the project setup and it converted the audio files down for me to 41.000Khz and it sounds fine.

The problem is it has completely messed up my drum track. The midi seems to have been slowed down to almost half the speed, but I checked the tempo track and everything is as it should be.

I don't get how the drums it can be slower if I have not touched the tempo at all? The sequenced notes also seem to be slightly and randomly off grid now which I can't fix and it's doing my head it.

Any help will be appreciated.
Yes sorry I meant 44.1. Yes I did keep them at their sample positions. To be honest I really didn't know what that meant and I had visions of the audio ending up all over the place.

So I should chose not to keep them at their sample positions then?

Just out of interest what is actually happening when I chose yes?

Thanks for the reply!
To do with ticks or sample based data, sounds like your drums are tick based.

Have a read into sample (absolute) and tick (relative) based audio.

You will find the answer, I could explain this more, but you wouldn't learn anything of you didn't read about it yourself.