

Aug 28, 2010
Blackpool, UK
Hey guys,

Looking for a bit of feedback on a couple of things:

- What sort of samples would people love to have (that they cant just go out and sample themselves)

- Is there anything that you feel is missing/could be better about sets of drum samples. (should they come pre mixed? support for different software?)

cheers DUDEZ
I'd really like some new tom samples. There's a fair amount of greater than life kick and snare samples, but not as much tom samples.

And I think they could come with both, mixed and raw. I've seen a couple sample sets with this option already and I think it's pretty cool to have an option to see if the pre mixed ones are perfect for the job or if one should sculpt the sample to perfectly sit in the project.
I'd really like some samples that sounds something like what David Bendeth would come up with, say bring me the horizon, asking alexandria, paramore.