Sampling Bass

Ok, so I need a bass and my friend has a good one so I want to sample it so I won't need to borrow his bass anymore. So my question is, what are some things I should know/do with sampling a bass (I'm going to only record DI), also the only samplers I have are Battery 2 and Shortcircuit.
I dont know man.
Sounds like a massive undertaking.

To get good results you need to sample alot of techniques and at different velocities.

But thats me...

Anyway, something useful, check out the sampling app called Samplit.

I havent tried it so I cant vouch for it but if it is as good as they claim it to be then it should be of use.

Also check out East West Hardcore Bass. Sounds sexy on the demos :)
Do MASSIVE planning beforehand (know exactly how many samples, velocity layers, techniques, etc you'll be doing). Write it all down first, then start the recording process. That Samplit program looks pretty cool, I'd bypass the auto-normalization and compression stuff though, especially if these will be DI recordings.

Edit: thinking about it now - the normalization thing might be helpful to get complete consistency for different velocity layers.