San Antonio: Giant Eddie Is Back !!!!


Paint Brush Pusher
Dec 3, 2005
Just got back from the show....Same setlist but the stage set has been greatly improved from the first leg.....and...drum roll...The Giant Eddie has made his return.

I got a bunch of shots from up front at the barricade and will post them in a few days.

The Texas shirt is a re-do of "The Beast Tames Texas" shirt from 1982.
I wonder why they wouldn't want to mix up the setlist a bit, just so they don't get bored with it. Having dozens of songs, yo'd think they would want to mix it up a bit.
Don't think its lazy. I mean traveling the entire planet with Bruce flying their own jet that they custom painted. I don't think of Maiden as a lazy band. I wish they would add like 5 more songs to the setlist.
Oh,come on...every band are like this.When they rehearsed their setlist for the tour,they don't wanna change it anymore.
Oh,come on...every band are like this.When they rehearsed their setlist for the tour,they don't wanna change it anymore.

Not true. Using them as an example, I have seen Metallica 13 times since 2003 and never seen the same setlist twice They're always adding surprise songs into their sets (Dyers Eve anyone??) and changing it up which keeps it fresh for band and fans alike.

I wish Maiden would be more inventive. This tour gave them a chance to really pull something special out of the hat but I think the only surprise song in the set was Moonchild. They have three guitarists now, why not bust out Flash Of The Blade or something!
San Antonio Setlist 2008:
Intro - Churchill's Speech
Aces High
2 Minutes to Midnight
The Trooper
Wasted Years
Number Of The Beast
Can I Play With Madness
Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
Heaven Can Wait
Run To The Hills
Fear of the Dark
Iron Maiden
Hallowed Be Thy Name

Was the best show I have ever been too. Plus I caught a drum top of Nicko's signed by Nicko and Bruce.
Here's some pics I took from the S.A. show...Not the best of the bunch...I'll post more if they don't get used for publication...



