San Diego show- Break me in good, girls!


Metal Massacre
Mar 3, 2003
I have only been even aware of The Iron Maidens for a couple days now, but in that couple days I have really like what ive heard alot. Thanks for posting the MP3's, they prove that y'all are not some kind of posers, you girls seriously rock, and you know the material very well! I was looking thru the San Diego Reader at what shows are coming, and thats where I was first made aware of you. I will be there on March 15th with whoever I can bring with me. Dont be gentle, please. I want my eardrums to ring and my neck to be sore for weeks. Im looking forward to it.

BTW- Have you girls listened to any of Bruce's solo albums like Chemical Wedding or Accident of Birth?
xSamhainx said:
Dont be gentle, please. I want my eardrums to ring and my neck to be sore for weeks. Im looking forward to it.

Welcome to the boards xSamhainx!! Have no fear, we will not be gentle! :devil: Ringing ears and sore neck coming up! We'll also be breaking in a new tune or two, tho it will all be new to you! See ya then!
xSamhainx said:
BTW- Have you girls listened to any of Bruce's solo albums like Chemical Wedding or Accident of Birth?

I've heard a couple songs, tho I can't remember which ones. I actually almost picked up Chemical Wedding the other day but I got the new SOD instead. I need to give them a listen, huh!
Oh yeah, youre missing out big time if'n you havent heard Dickinson belt out Chemical Wedding or Jerusalem. That whole album is good, albiet pretty dark lyrically for him as compared to his prior works. It also has Adrian Smith on it (going dual guitar with Roy Z), and you can really hear him and Bruce's chemistry, just like old times. Same thing on "Accident of Birth". "Accident.." should have taken the place of "Fear of the Dark" IMHO, Derek Riggs even did the cover! These two albums are better than anything after 7th Son as far as I'm concerned. I havent heard "Brave New.." tho, quite frankly Ive been saving it for when Im feeling courageous.

Ive got all his solo stuff, and it goes from bad to brilliant. Stay away from the wretched "Tattooed Millionaire" by all means, and "Balls to Picasso" has like one good song where he actually starts cutting loose and singing like the Metal God he is ("Tears of the Dragon"). Suprisingly, "Skunkworks" doesnt really stink! It is a pretty solid album, but more post-modern "science fiction" almost heavy art-rock, but I didnt think it was bad. It just wasnt "Chemical.." or "Accident..", which are heavy old-school, archaic-themed, uber-powerful epic vocal metal that Dickinson is known and admired for ='.'=

Dig SOD btw, I just re-picked up "Speak English.." on cd myself. It has like 8 bonus live tracks from Tokyo (great!) and one new studio track. Good to hear them again, it had been like ten years. "Kill Yourself" prolly my all-time SOD favorite
Hi xSamhainx...welcome to the boards...I have The Best of Bruce Dickinson right here on my desk...not much time to listen to fun stuff though ....I've gotta learn like 11 new inbetween work...I just listen to my "homework" songs and rarely do I have time to just listen to stuff and "gel."

ANYWAY...welcome and nice tiger avatar. BIG KITTY.
Hey xSamhainx, if you need a metal fix early, come out to Canes this weekend Friday March 7th for the Creeping Death show. We're going to kick some serious ass. And the Maidens own Bruce Chickinson will be hanging out at the merch table.

Alright, enough shameful plugging.

Hmm, I might come just to get a Chickenson preview ='.'=

Sounds fun! If'n I kick this effin cold and can actually breathe, taste, and smell, I'll see if i can make the show.