San Francisco - there's a metal earthquake a brewin' !


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
So what's going on in San Francisco as of late? Bay Area thrash is coming back like there's no tomorrow (EXODUS, DEATH ANGEL), black metal is supposedly surpassing anything that can come out of Europe these days (LEVIATHAN, XASTHUR, WEAKLING, LUDICRA, SANGRE AMADO, CREBAIN, DRAUGAR) and the retro sounds of traditional metal (HAMMERS OF MISFORTUNE, THE LORD WEIRD SLOUGH FEG) are kicking my dick in.

Please explain this phenomena. :Spin:

Also, I cannot start this thread without reference to tUMULt Records, who essentially signed artists like HAMMERS OF MISFORTUNE and WEAKLING. Check it out: That's the coolest homepage I've seen in a of Ringu rejoice.

The guy who runs tUMULt, Andee, also happens to run a very cool record store called Aquarius Records. They have an on-line ordering section which is excellent (lots of weird avante garde/metal/alternative/indie etc). The thing that sets this on-line store apart is that each listed album is accompanied by a mini review, which I think is lacking in most on-line stores. Anyway, check it out:
OC usually means Orange County, which is near LA.

Xasthur is from LA . . . actually pretty near NAD, I believe.

When I was in SF a few weeks ago, I a radio station playing nothing but REAL metal. I've never really heard that before.

Don't forget Neurosis is from SF. I think I'll go hang with them sometime.
I guess I'm not part of the "generally accepted". Two different cities to me. It still pisses me off that people assume FOrt WOrth is part of Dallas.

Hell, I live a good 10-15 miles outside of Houston, yet people consider THe Woodlands part of Houston. dumbasses...

i think i have you mixed up with papa josh then. what can i expect from that MISTRESS, by the way? i've heard good stuff about them, but not much about their music (although i think it is grind-core or something similar, right? i've been getting into a lot of that lately).
yeah, Josh lives in Houston.

expect sludge/black from some of the peeps that brought you Anaal Nathrakh.
Mistress isn't really grind. I sent Brian Livoti (vocals for Watchmaker) a copy of the new Mistress, and he said it "rocked". So, in other words, it's not an all-out brawl like Anaal Nathrakh.

I could be mistaken, but the first Mistress album doesn't actually contain lyrics. The guy just screams and barks. It's awesome!
npearce said:
When people talk about SF, Oakland is generally accepted as close enough to count. It's all connected. Look at a map.
You haven't been up that far north yet have you? :D Oakland is a dump, San Francisco rules. I had a 20 minute argument with a 7' tall black bum in Oakland the only time I've been. We were discussing the merits of panhandling and how the panhandlee is supposed to act. Rules of etiquette and such. Surreal experience.

I'm about 45 minutes away from LA. It's a dump too but they have tons of museums, theatres, venues, restaurants, etc. Gotta love it for that.

Amoeba Records in SF RUUUUUUUUUULES. They have one in LA which I have yet to visit though. Very difficult to escape those stores without spending buckets of cash.

I love San Fran, I would try to find a job there but the cost of living is ridiculous.
YES! Somebody quoted me in their signature.

When I think of SF, I think of the entire Bay Area. I realize SF is actually much nicer than Oakland. Its the same with LA. Hell, Ventura is practically LA to me.
npearce said:
When I think of SF, I think of the entire Bay Area. I realize SF is actually much nicer than Oakland. Its the same with LA. Hell, Ventura is practically LA to me.
I think I base it all on which airport you fly into. Wanna go to Palo Alto? Foster City? It's all a cab ride from San Francisco airport.

npearce - did you check out Aquarius Records website? It would make you urinate blood in glee. Even if you don't buy from them, it's a good reference point. They write up their own descriptions since they're big fans themselves. Here's what they wrote about Weakling...

And, like the best music, Weakling also transcends genre. In some ways, "Dead as Dreams" possesses elements that can be considered akin to the avant garde, experimental creations of the Swans, Skullflower, Steve Reich, or even Yoko Ono. Imagine an extensive, utterly mesmerizing Hermann Nitsch piece, composed for black metal band.
Dreamlord said:
The OC is in California. haha

The OC is a good show... :)

Anyhow, dude, The Woodlands is totally a part of Houston. Don't get it twisted. Houston is swallowing up everything in its path. The Woodlands are considered North Houston. Anything within a 50 mile radius is Houston. Eventually, my theory is that Houston will grow until all of Texas is Houston. :loco:
GAH! NO! The Woodlands is only considered part of Houston by Houstonians or lazy people. Believe me, Woodlandsians (?) want NOTHING to do with Houston. Hell, The Woodlands isn't even connected to Houston.

Plans are in motion as we speak to make The Wodlands its own city so Houston can't annex it (and it turn, ruin it). Once THe Woodlands is its own city, Houston can't do a damn thing. Just look at Bellaire. It's its own city right in the middle of Houston, but technically, isn't part of Houston. Personally, I think Houston should worry about itself instead of constantly trying to annex more tax dollars. It's all good though, there is currently a moratorium on even atempting to annex The Woodlands until 2014. By then, hopefully The Woodlands will be on its own.

50 miles? THat means you consider Willis and COnroe part of Houston. Hell, Huntsville is only 40 miles north of Houston.
I've noticed the huge flux of metal flowing to and from SF! I live about five miles from there, and i'm happy as all hell, there werre very few good shows, but now their popping up weekly!