Sanctuary issues weirdist compilation ever!

I had the chance to see them live last year, but they changed the date of the gig and so instead of it being the night before I flew to Alice Springs, it was two nights AFTER I flew to Alice Springs. :mad:
Originally posted by Aussie_Outlaw
[color=#AOEOOA]Actually Megadeth signed a 4 record deal with Sanctuary.

Which by my calculations makes this the 4th release under sanctuary (TWNAH + 2 disc RA)

No, a double album only counts as a single release. That means the band still has one album left on their contract. The sad thing is that the whole Megadeth incident is indicitive of why bands get dicked around by labels. Sanctuary paid a FORTUNE for Megadeth, money they could have spent developing some up and coming new band, and then Megadeth splits up eighteen months later with two albums left on their contract. Sanctuary had probably not yet recouped their costs on '...Hero' and the live album yet, and with no new material they can lay claim to, it's probably a way for them to get back some of the dough they spent.
Originally posted by Goreripper

No, a double album only counts as a single release. That means the band still has one album left on their contract.

World Needs A Hero
Behind The Music DVD
Rude Awakening
Rude Awakening DVD

Do DVD's count? Were they released by Sanctuary?
It's a bugger when this happens. At least they could have made it a live album from stuff off TWNAH and some previously unreleased stuff, or something.

It'd be great if they could reform in a year or two. Where do you go for Megadeth news these days? The official site used to be great, but now it sucks a bit of arse.
The live tracks are unreleased ones from the Rude Awakening cd, and the TWNAH tracks are the only others Sanctuary are allowed to include as presumably they dont have the rights to anything else. But its STILL weird :D