sansamp bass di

I've had the Sansamp box for years. It's a great piece of kit.

Gnash, back when I was still a regular bassist I wanted to have two as well. One for clean and one for overdriven sounds. Never did scrape the money together though.
I've had the Sansamp box for years. It's a great piece of kit.

Gnash, back when I was still a regular bassist I wanted to have two as well. One for clean and one for overdriven sounds. Never did scrape the money together though.

nowadays you can get the 3 channel programmable version for just 10 dollars more than the single channel version, that would save you a lot if want to use 2 (or 3) different sansamp tones.

anyhow: i can't imagine bass recording before i bought a sansamp, it simply the best. i love it on vocals too... indeed, poor mans distressor
another tone's all about my bartolini's, my sansamp and whatever my hands are capable of producing doing that day.

Spent the afternoon tracking with my BDDI and just love that bloody thing.
when I did a tour with Joey Vera(he was playing in seven witches at the time) we where hanging out getting hammered and I told him his tone was amazing every single night!!! and all he said to me was "I need my sansamp and my fender P/J bass and I am good!!!" and everytime he has played it sounds like a rolling wall of power!!! it is FUCKING AWESOME!!! just get one and be happy
Love Curran:worship:
wow i got it last night.

you don't even really need to mic the cabinet. by itself it sounds unreal. aside from the DI it's also a great preamp/signa boost makes the bass sound much better.

i convninced my bass player t order the emg 40dc pups for his bass sonce they arrive i'll install them for him and it should sound even better. monday im going to work on blending the DI signal with a mic on the cabinet (audix d6)
as a mono send, bring it up on a parallel bus under the drums

poor mans distressor

I've tried this before and it just sounded nasty to me. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. Can you give an idiot's guide to hooking it up as a send? How do you deal with impedance, etc.?