sansamp bass di

Since I bought my RBI Ive not used anything else for bass. Straight out the RBI into a TLA2021 to compress a bit and thats it.

I bought it off my brother who was touring with it. He basically took a bass and the RBI with him and that was it
I've tried this before and it just sounded nasty to me. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. Can you give an idiot's guide to hooking it up as a send? How do you deal with impedance, etc.?
"nasty" is sort of the point. You may hate it, but it's like a jalapeno, a bit here and there is great but you may not want to eat a pound of them in one sitting. :puke:
anyway, I stumbled on this by accident by leaving the sansamp plugged in as an aux send insert from a previous project. Straight TRS in and out. I was trying to pseudo-reamp a dull direct bass after the fact. It was going to a group which ended up being my drum bus on the next project. It is something that adds a subtle "glue" (sorry for the cliche)to the center image. Nice for making toms pop out and adding beef to everything dead-center. Fairly similar to tape-saturation."Subtle" being the key word here. I didn't really worry about impedance or anything like that because it was an accident that I came across it in the first place. I just happened to like the sound I accidentally came up with and left it as it was.
I call it the "Van Halen philosophy",
"does it sound cool? then it is cool"
i convninced my bass player t order the emg 40dc pups for his bass sonce they arrive i'll install them for him and it should sound even better. monday im going to work on blending the DI signal with a mic on the cabinet (audix d6)

I have a 35DC and 35P5 on my LTD B500 and the blend of the two into into the sansamp absolutely kills. I'm still waiting on ESP to send out my F405 and then I'll have the 40DC set. I love the warmth that the P5 adds, but two DC's should be a lot of fun. :headbang: