Sansamp Bass Driver vs AmpegSVX Plugin


May 19, 2006
What have you guys been preferring lately? After a mix, I was just messing around with the plug on the DI track and got a better bass sound in about 1 minute with the plug. What do you guys prefer?

Also, since I only have the Bass Driver DI, I can't shut off speaker emulation (at least I can't figure out how) and use impulses. I think that with impulses it may sound killer. Can you turn the speaker emulation off on the higher end models of the Sansamp?
Can't shut off the emulation on the bassdriver.

Yet is sounds alot better in a mix then the Ampeg SVX imo.
Ampeg sounds cool but is harder to mix for some reason.. sticks out to much.

Yeah, I definately noticed that you couldn't boost 1-2k with the plug or it will stick out too much like you said.
sansamp bass driver all the way

Yeah, I've sworn by this for a while usually tweak the SVT setting and record the DI out too. One guy mentioned that he didn't like his bass tone though. Then when he heard it in the mix he said it sounded fine so go figure. I was just trying to figure out some other options incase someone says that they don't like the Sansamp in the future.
I wish I had a soundclip but my favorite rig to record is my cousins ampeg (2x10 combo) and american j standard bass.

Nice punchy attack through the DI and nice low end with a mic up front. :)

Ulitimatly the quality of the bass makes the biggest difference in my opinion. Like Razorjack said he is using warwick basses and I am sure they sound badass even just the direct signal strait in.