!!! Satanic Messages in Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven ???


Dec 8, 2003
Sin City
Led Zeppelin has always been labeled as mysterious. One of the most well known rumors are the hidden Satanic messages if you play Stariway to Heaven backwards.

- Other groups such as Electric Light Orchestra, Chicago, The Beatles and even Queen = Another One Bites The Dust Played backwards says - Startin To Smoke Marijuana.

Robert Plant totally denies about any Studio manipulaiton to mask backwards messages in Stairway to Heaven. -- But he did not totally admit or deny there are Satanic messages in Stariway.

Is this some sort of Religious Conspiracy brough by Churches that claimed there are Satanic messages --OR-- is it true that some words spoken normally mean other words if said backwards?

I have here the original Studio version of Stairway and 2 live versions

Studio -



1973 Liverpool U.K.



1977 LA Forum


The entertainment industry should be on their fucking knees giving oral sex to every religious nut for comming up with the "subliminal messages"-idea, that idea boosted sales like I don´t know what.
Jonny can you hear me
turn that music down
You're making too much noise
I mean it do it now
all that stuff is evil
Ozzy, Judas Priest
there's backwards messages
in that stuff that leads you to the beast

Jonny don't you hear me
open up that door
I've been calling you for hours
I won't say it anymore
just wait until your dad gets home
and sees what you have done
kicked out of school you've got no job
you're a useless delinquent bum
oh my god it's Jonny
hanging by his neck
all those metal albums
have led him to his death
Now it's time for parents
to open ears and listen
maybe it's too late
to see what you've been missing
music is no cause of death
it's you that suffocates
if you had opened your eyes and ears
you'd see just who's to blame
Who's to be responsible
for a life that's gone off track
who's the one who must be there
to see it gets put back
where were you to hear the cries
of a person in need
were you there to see the signs
or were you too busy
Now it's time for parents
to open ears and listen
maybe it's too late
to see what you've been missing
music is no cause of death
it's you that suffocates
if you had opened your eyes and ears
you'd see just who's to blame
Who's to be responsible
for a life that's gone off track
who's the one who must be there
to see it gets put back
where were you to hear the cries
of a person in need
were you there to see the signs
or were you too busy
Who's the cause, who's the blame
for a life that's not worth living
is it parents, family
who take without giving
so next time that you close your eyes
and choose to shift the blame
remember you can save a life
so really who's to blame?! :rock:

(Sacred Reich, Who's to blame?)
I dont know if any of you remember the Priest court case a good few years ago when a family filed a law suit against them. They claimed that backward messages on an album (cant remember which one) made there kids kill themselfs. (Same thing happened to Ozzy) Anyway, the case was thrown out because they proved the messages were infact Rob Halford breathing in, but not before one of the greates bits of rock history happened.
Rob took the stand armed with an old beat up tape deck. They had been in the studio and went through the entire album to find messages to help there case. They found one
"Please mom can I have a pepermint"
Now thats what I call Real Metal.
Case closed. Do not collect $1000000000000
:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
I just lstenend to the first verse of Deathrider backwards ands it seems to say, 'If you believe all this you must smear dogshit all over your face and run down the street, naked and screaming'

I'm sure that's what I heard...
There's an intentional backwards message on Pink Floyd's "The Wall" album. I forgot exactly where it is, but when played backwards it says "Congratulations. You have found the secret message. Please send to Pink Floyd care of the funny farm," or something really close to that.

There's also a supposed backward message in Britney Spears's song "Hit Me Baby One More Time." I heard the backward version; it's supposed to say "Sleep with me, I'm not too young." No shit!

Also, I've heard from some people (that most likely smoked WAY too much pot) that Stairway to Heaven was supposed to have full lyrics backwards and forewards. I don't know about this one; it's most likely full of shit, but try Googleing it...