Stairway to Heaven.

Guys...I like Led Zeppelin. And I knew this for too long too. I tought maybe there might be some guys didn't know. Like Lightining. And I happy cause I shared it.
yeh this isn't new, pretty cool none the less.
I read somewhere that someone (not quite sure who) from the band, prior to releasing Stairway to Heaven bought the 'toolshed' - Alesteir Crowley's old home of where he apparently opened up the gates to hell.

Thus the toolshed reference in that passage.

Not sure on the legitimacy/accuracy of this though.
You know if you play Cradle of Filth's "Dinner at Deviants Palace" backward it sounds like a little girls saying the Lord's Prayer?

Only further proving that Cradle are a shit band made up entirely of nerdy, Cthulu fucking, H P Lovecraft geeks with far too much fucking time on their hands! And that Dani Filth's penis must MUST be really really tiny!
Actaully you may be able to help me out, right here's link to one of those gay subliminal message things where you get thrown totally off guard and then it scares the shit out of you (oh how funny, hahahaha). Anyhow the first one has SEX written on the glass, the second image if you focus on the neck and turn it upside down looks like a woman finergering herself. On the third one (where you been thrown off gaurd (^:-() it play Cradle's "Dinner at Deviant's Palace" backwards for a few seconds then does a scream and show a bunch of nasty images. Not funny unless you're a total fuck wit, but there's a song it play once it's done that which is really cool. Anyone know what he song is?

if it's by Cradle i may have to hurt myself 'cause i think they're shit but if not it's pretty cool.
I'm actually not amazed at the fact that they did it, but I'm rather fascinated with how they did it. I recorded myself saying the backmasked words and when I played it forward, I could hear what the regualar lyrics were. It must have taken a lot of effort to make a story that is another story backwards :hypno:
Yea, the only difference is that Cradle's sounds like giberish until you play it backward, and they will have done it done it on purpose because well...they're gay.

But Steedus is right. Although I'm sure just as many bands have done cliched bullshit like this as have been accused of it when it's just a coincidence.

Any band can fall victim to this sort of thing, in terms of cliched heavy metal bullshit, not to insult Opeth but the original full playing time for morning rise is - 66.06, coincidence?

Go figure.