Stairway to Heaven.

Steedus said:
You'd be suprised at how many words can sound like "satan" when played backwards.
This is true, but it's got to be pretty damn coincidental to actually be forming complete sentences backwards. Even phrases like, "who's power is satan", "oh, here's to my sweet satan", "he'll give you, give you 666", all in a single section of a song seems to delve beyond what most would call coincidental.
LightningLixxx said:
This is true, but it's got to be pretty damn coincidental to actually be forming complete sentences backwards. Even phrases like, "who's power is satan", "oh, here's to my sweet satan", "he'll give you, give you 666", all in a single section of a song seems to delve beyond what most would call coincidental.

Yeah i guess so, but i've seen a website about this sort of thing which featured a selection of backmasking samples.

That Brittany Spears song "Hit Me Baby One More Time..." (or whatever its called) was one of them. If you play part of the chorus backwards she's saying:

"Please sleep with me, i'm not too young."

It sounded just as plausible as the Stairway one. Though it's not as long I know.

Who knows.
It's not that, I'm not suggesting you are haha, it's just that everyone knows what Britney's first single was called. Don't be embarssed to have been affect by Western, 90's, pop culture, we all have been.
Yeah, I know you were taking the piss.

But seriously, I don't know what that song is called. All I know is that line from the chours .. Is that what's it's called?

Wait, why am I even asking. Who cares.. :lol:
For a good time, see if you can find the videotape "Hell's Bells". It's not AC/DC, but a thing put out by Christian fundamentalists. I'm not kidding when I tell you that you will be entertained. You might be able to check it out from your library or from a christian book store. High comedy. It was a major hit in my college dorm in '94-'95. This video implicates all the usual suspects, but also some unexpected ones, like Fleetwood Mac. :lol: Basically, only music in 3/4 time is deemed fit for christian ears (due to the Holy Trinity bit, I guess).

Jimmy Page was certainly interested in the occult. He claims not to have ben a practitioner, though. He got freaked out at some seances, if I remember correctly. He did, however, purchase Aleister Crowley's estate on Loch Ness, Boleskine, back in, I believe, 1970. He owns more Crowley artifacts than any other person, as I understand it. Or at least he used to.

So I don't find it shocking that Zep would write about satanism and such. Consider "Black Dog". Ever wonder what the hell a black dog has to do with that song? Stories about ghostly black dogs in England abound, Agrippa was said to have a demonic familiar in the form of a black dog, and some say that satan could transform himself into a black dog. Old woodcuts that feature a black dog are frequently doing so to represent satan. Then listen to the lyrics. "Hey hey mama say the way you move, gonna make you sweat, gonna make you goove. Uh uh child, the way you shake that thing, gonna make you burn gonna make you sting...." and so on. Of course, on the surface, it's obviously sexual. Oddly, it's sexual with satanic innuendo...

Anyhow, they were more Tolkienists than satanists. After all, Robert Plant had a dog named Strider...:Smug:
Oh thanks. And yes my friend told me that Page was into this. And yes you remember correctly. He quits after a while , how sad :( :D