
Hm, you _are_ violating everybody's privacy :p
Well, for the first i don't know (we can make it look like he is, if not :P).
Blonde hair: i shall dye it, don't worry.
Screaming: If i do the attempt alone i don't think so, if i get any help we can make him scream "no, you satanists put me down!" and other stuff like that pretty easily me thinks.

When shall we start? :Smokedev:
pretty soon. in fact, as soon as i figured out how do you make someone look like a virgin. :confused: i can't really imagine any worse torture. :s

however, you got the last part wrong: he's not supposed to address us as satanists, it's too specific. can you imagine peasants killed by soldiers during any crusade screaming "no, you leave me be, you crossbowman belonging to the fifth phalanx of the fourth crusade!" he should be howling something more on the lines of "no, you madmen!" or "no, you demons!" or maybe just "no" would do.

rahvin. (yes?)
I have to figure out the virgin part too, but luckily this board has enough imagination.
Hm, we can arrange a "no, you demons!" with some carnival costumes :muahaha:
Oh, btw, anyone watched a movie (i think) called "Elizabeth"?
Even though she had had some boyfriends, she decided to become a virgin again and remain one, so that she wouldn't have men trying to rule her over her head (nice lady ;)). I think she got called The Virgin Queen or smt like that for what she did.
Well, as far as i could understand, she achieved that in the end of the movie by cutting her hair and painting her face white.
So all we need for our noble quest is some scissors and white makeup :spin:
well and now that we have the scrissors we also can make him be eternally Virgin....or at least not to comit sin anymore :rolleyes:

@rahvin: of course I'll always be on the combative side of life ;)

@hyena: well to be polite I think I should say, punk solos are not as technical as I would like...specially those which...ehmmm...sound so....ehmmm....punk! :p

fathervic (no punk, no fuck)
@Papi: that would require a knife me thinks :rolleyes:
our budget isn't _that_ high, let's spare him :dopey:
@siren: either a knife or a terrible shock. can we afford a shock? :muahaha: sure we can. :flame:

@fathervic: there's tons of technical punk bands around, and i gather something can be technical even if it's not 4 minutes long like dream theater's solos. :p besides, technical isn't everything. :)

@fathervic: well well, I'd give you that most punk bands don't have technical guitar playing, but some of them (say, Rancid or AFI) have _extremely_ technical bass playing that I never experienced in heavy metal. If you are interested in punk bands who can actually play guitar, I suggest you check out the Swingin' Utters.

hyena (totally mistaking devotion and love)
technical isn't everything.

of course not, you also need a guitar ;)

now seriously...I've enjoyed of many not_so_technical stuff and hated some reeeeeeeeeeally technical, but well sometimes when a whole genre seems to be so unskilled, I tend to generalize. Of course there are some bands that have good musicians, but well it's not my cup of tea....but you know I had to be acid, as I'm with BM or NuMetal :rolleyes:

fathervic (once again, fortifying)
@fathervic: but to put it bluntly, bm is hilarious and numetal is a social plague. punk is cool and full of good lyrics. :)

rahvin. (stating, applauding and finally giving a medal to the obvious)
Can we scrifice nu metalers, just for the fun, i have no interest in satanism, they just annoy me so much, they wouldn't know what metal was if it hit them in the face

@rhavin and hyena: what s up ? i m back to the board! :grin:
now....back to Therion subject....

Most of their lyrics are about a life phylosofy of an order called Dragon Rouge. It may contain some ``creepy´´ and ``mysterious´´ parts, but i m sure the sacrifice thing does nt have anything to do with it...
Actually, it is very interesting to read something about it.
If anyone s interessed, look for some books of guy called Crowley...

Now about numetal.....a c mon guys, nothing against people who like it...but i really think some of them just want to look like a bunch of retards to receive attention....(no comments about the lyrics too...)

......(running back from a Sacrifice Chamber filled with horny blonde girls)
Welcome here Chaos Theory :)
which is your fave DT album???

well boring or not some people here are gossips ( :rolleyes: ) and would like to know some stuff about their fellow posters....
please take sit Chaos Theory, yet another boring life among us....ehmmm bored_lives (yeah sure :rolleyes: )

and rahvin, then I'm sure Italian punk is totally different to Spanish one, where you can't find a decent lyric even if it was written in Bold Arial 450 px
the 90% are supporting anarchy and the rest 10% are supporting the ones who support anarchy...
Besides, here in Spain it seem there's a veeeeeeeery active punk singer...and it seems he sings in ALL the punk bands there ever existed in Spain

fathervic (who never expected so many different singers could sound that "identic")
well, you asked for it, im from mexico city and its a shame that there arent many dt stuff down here, im 15 years old and im getting sick of highschool. I like death metal bands,
i dont know in spain but in mexico there aren't any good punk or metal bands, much of my countrie's music sucs.