

New Metal Member
Feb 13, 2002
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How could anyone be obsessed with burning forever? Who in their right mind would like that? Who wouldn't be scared of that? I am just curious as to what you think about it. Why do so many people want to burn?
all the satanists i know dont believe in an afterlife. they see it metaphorically and dont worship teh devil so speak, nor really believe in god. they use them as archetypes. so they aren't really going to burn in hell, they are just opposed to what is commonly considered the good and the light and its just severe individualism more than anything. those are my observations.

So I dare ask.... Why call themselves SATANists then... It's less an archetype than a stereotype if you ask me, really. I mean they just have to call themselves atheists and stop whining about God, don't you think ?
How could anyone be obsessed with burning forever? Who in their right mind would like that? Who wouldn't be scared of that? I am just curious as to what you think about it. Why do so many people want to burn?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Sounds like someone pays a little bit too much attention in sunday school. Satanism=self gratification is all
Satanism is a code of morals , it has its own commandments that promote good morals and a strong way of life. It has nothing to do about wanting to burn in hell

Originally posted by IcedEarth_811
Satanism is a code of morals , it has its own commandments that promote good morals and a strong way of life. It has nothing to do about wanting to burn in hell

Wow, that's better. Would you mind telling more, if you know anything more, I'm curious. Although I still think the word satanism is crappy at best, and it does not imply why you just wrote. But still, I'm honnestly interested in what you have to say.
Originally posted by IcedEarth_811
Satanism is a code of morals , it has its own commandments that promote good morals and a strong way of life. It has nothing to do about wanting to burn in hell

Then why do so many bands talk about worshipping satan and burning in hell? Example: Dark Funeral and Marduk
As gay as it may sound, grab a copy of the satanic bible and read the first chapter or two, it explains satanism pretty basically, has the satanic statments and shit, if nothing else it makes interesting reading when you are taking a dump.
Satanism is a code of morals , it has its own commandments

1: Thou MUST burn down EVERY church that you see
2: Thou must kill babies
3: Thou must be adulterous
4: At some point during your pitiful existance, thou must covet thy neighbor's wife
5: Thou must ALWAYS take thy lords name in vain
6: thou must urinate in public places
7: Thou must urinate ON public places (Ie: Seats, Tables, Trees, Cats, Cars etc.)
8: Thou must drink goats blood.... But monkey's blood is acceptable if Goat's blood is not an option
9: Thou must not use a plate, cup, or cutlery... Thou must use they holy CHALICE, thy holy SCIMITAR, and thy holy... uh... okay, you CAN use a plate.
10: (refer to rule 2)
1: Thou MUST burn down EVERY church that you see
2: Thou must kill babies
3: Thou must be adulterous
4: At some point during your pitiful existance, thou must covet thy neighbor's wife
5: Thou must ALWAYS take thy lords name in vain
6: thou must urinate in public places
7: Thou must urinate ON public places (Ie: Seats, Tables, Trees, Cats, Cars etc.)
8: Thou must drink goats blood.... But monkey's blood is acceptable if Goat's blood is not an option
9: Thou must not use a plate, cup, or cutlery... Thou must use they holy CHALICE, thy holy SCIMITAR, and thy holy... uh... okay, you CAN use a plate.
10: (refer to rule 2)

I dont know if this is just a joke or not but the "satanic commandments" arent anything like they, they actually make alot of sense, Im too lazy to find the book and type em out though, maybe tomorrow.

Originally posted by JESUSATAN
1: Thou MUST burn down EVERY church that you see
2: Thou must kill babies
3: Thou must be adulterous
4: At some point during your pitiful existance, thou must covet thy neighbor's wife
5: Thou must ALWAYS take thy lords name in vain
6: thou must urinate in public places
7: Thou must urinate ON public places (Ie: Seats, Tables, Trees, Cats, Cars etc.)
8: Thou must drink goats blood.... But monkey's blood is acceptable if Goat's blood is not an option
9: Thou must not use a plate, cup, or cutlery... Thou must use they holy CHALICE, thy holy SCIMITAR, and thy holy... uh... okay, you CAN use a plate.
10: (refer to rule 2)

I dont know if this is just a joke or not but the "satanic commandments" arent anything like they, they actually make alot of sense, Im too lazy to find the book and type em out though, maybe tomorrow.


its all on

those are the levey's commandments. there a lot of satanists who wouldn't associate themselves with levey.
I was somewhat of a 'satanist' for a while. Back when I belived in God. I just found christianity disgusting, but I still believed it, so what can ya do ;). It was kinda based on the idea of being more honest- alot of the christians I've known have come over all holier-than-thou, but don't hesitate to put you down. I figured, hey, atleast if someone says they are a satanist, you know where you stand, instead of some christian fucker coming on all nice then kicking you in the guts. I had no interest in hurting anyone, if anything I'm one of the more caring people you can meet, but I figured, I didn't want to follow the whole christian way and if God was petty enough to send me to hell, then I wanted nothing to do with him.
And it wasn't for image or anything, only one other person knew about it, it was more an inner strength thing, I told noone else. No rituals or prayers were done (that's bollocks anyway, the bible is clear that Satan is not omni-present, he can only be in one place, so he wouldn't know...), and as I said, it had more to do with a personal philosiphy.

Anyway, I discovered that satanists are just as full of shit as christians, saw christianity for the crap it is, and now don't believe in anything but myself (and sometimes not even that ;)). In essence, it's the culmination of the journey I started on the whole 'satanist' thing.

I'd heard that the satanic bible forbids the harming of animals and babies, but I could be wrong.

And alot of the bands are stupid, singing about satan and witchcraft, when if you practise witchcraft you don't believe in god, so the two have no connection.

Anyway, that's a brief description of everything :lol:
Originally posted by yourdeadgroom
I'd heard that the satanic bible forbids the harming of animals and babies, but I could be wrong.

true, it's in the eleven satanic rules of the earth.

thx for the link of the churchofsatan wanderer! i read these eleven satanic rules - and what somehow frightens and astonishes me - i live by everything these rules say (except 7 :rolleyes:) without even knowing that these rules existed or even are associated with satan :eek:
Satanism is pure bullshit. If you're dumb enough to believe in such a thing as satan you're nothing better than the christians. I really find it funny if people say they believe in satan or evil, while they don't know shit about what satanism is really about and just want to be cool.
LeVay and the Church of satan are just commercial organisation, typically american...
People, stop saying satanists are the just as bad as christians.
Satanists do not believe in satan or god either. The reason they initially called themselves satanists was both to satirize christians and sort of as a way of commercializing (sp?) themselves
Satanism? These ppl who used to pray in black churchs? And turn every cross they see upside down? I thought they only existed in movies, but I see I'm wrong. The fact is there are two main ways to explain the existence of satanism:

A) The first one, and the logic way, to gain some money. It's funny to get dressed with long black robes and scream in anger, as the child of "The Exorcist", but the funny turns on an amazing entertainment if the ppl that are screaming with you are paying you to do it.

B) You're the fool of the realm or you're too bored (or both): So, you do the best you can to be the blackiest one, maybe to spend your time on it or maybe because your mind is damaged in a irrecoverable way. Anyway, you won't become a rich man through this option.

Ok, ok, I'm joking, but... wake up! Do ya need to be satanist, christian or something else? You should to be honest with yourself and know which way will report you and the ppl around you the best further. Just learn, and improve. And don't waste your time in these fuckin' useless things. CARPE DIEM!

|ngenius (Sometimes joking, sometimes dreaming...)