
If you really want to know how a true satanist feels and belives, try to find and read interviews with Ishan from Emperor and King Diamond. Its not about belife in Satan as a legitiment "Dark Lord". Satanism is just a way of life. A belife in ones self that he/she has total control over his/her own life, not some God or Devil. Read the book "Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground" and read what Ishan has to say about it all, he gives a good summary of it all.

p.s. Anton Levay was an idiot and a LIAR!
I am not a Christian nor a Satanist, neither do I want to follow anyone or anything.

I am a God. I am a part of a higher being, but I worship myself only.

Why would you want to worship anyone or anything?
Be your own gods, religion is man made anyway. Don't label yourself as anything.
403, you've typed down almost excatly my opinion on this subject. I only (mildly) disagree about the higher being part.

There is no god, no satan, no jin, no jang, the whole concept of good and evil is just a matter of opinion. There's no universal moral code...
Originally posted by Voice of God
403, you've typed down almost excatly my opinion on this subject. I only (mildly) disagree about the higher being part.

There is no god, no satan, no jin, no jang, the whole concept of good and evil is just a matter of opinion. There's no universal moral code...

Well, the higher being: what I meant was, I think it's more of a rule than a creature, it's in each and every one of us, the life force that unites us all. I could be wrong of course, but I feel this is so very true.

About good and bad, I feel that the duality is omnipresent, but it's a bit more complex than just the two being on opposite sides.

I also think that the proverb "Money is the root of all evil" is true. It brought up the best in us but unfortunately it also brought up the worst.
Hold on a sec.. I'm sure there are people in the world that actually worship satan. And I thought they were called Satanists, but people here are saying that satanists don't worship Satan. If that's the case, then what are the people called who do worship the devil? :confused: