Saturday night!! (i'm high and dry) Saturday Night


There is no one here (cept for brat, and she's the only one who really matters anyhow) so I'm assuming ya'll are doing something fun. Me, I'm getting ready to go out. Went out last night and had some really good wings, but they were too hot. I didn't enjoy the bar too much because my buddies made me (twisted my arm I tell y :cool: ) smoke a funky cigarette. I was retarded from that point on. Tonight, the search for the next Mrs. Tatman resumes. Let me know what you fucks did tonight. There are some partiers on this board (most of em from the midwest too I notice)
Originally posted by TD
There is no one here (cept for brat, and she's the only one who really matters anyhow) so I'm assuming ya'll are doing something fun. Me, I'm getting ready to go out. Went out last night and had some really good wings, but they were too hot. I didn't enjoy the bar too much because my buddies made me (twisted my arm I tell y :cool: ) smoke a funky cigarette. I was retarded from that point on. Tonight, the search for the next Mrs. Tatman resumes. Let me know what you fucks did tonight. There are some partiers on this board (most of em from the midwest too I notice)

I drank a twelve rack of Bud Light. And hey! I'm from New England damnit!:D
Want to hear my excitement? Cleaned everything, though you really can't tell because my son is a wrecking crew (not that his dad helps in that department either :mad: ), baked a cake (the backup), reminisced(?sp) about what we were doing at this time last year, fielded phone calls from last minute people who still don't know what to get the boy, and ratted out my neighbors about their never-leashed dog because they woke up my son with their loudass bullshit and that scrawny ass dog shouldn't be living here anyway. Tomorrow I get to get up early, make the REAL (mickey mouse) cake, run some errands, and put up with family all day. This boy won't know what I put into this thing until it's time for HIS kid's first bday...Okay, I must go faint now. :lol:
i went and saw the scorpian king.(yes i was that bored)
it actually was not half bad.for what it is ,it was entertaining.

hey brat you sound like a good wife and mother,do you have a sister that is like you? :lol:
I want the sister!!!!!!! Man, I saw this girl at one bar, working, she was sooooo hot. I thought, man, i've got to ask this girl out. So then, a little later, I see her at another bar in her street clothes. I was like "hell yeah!" Then I saw her making out with some dork, and realized she was taken. So I bought another beer and made it my date.
Well, I try.

Yes, I have a sister, but I swear to you, you don't want her. She's a bitch. (But not the good kind, like me. :) ) She thinks we're best friends, but I could go months (maybe years, haven't tried that yet) without talking to her and feel fine about it. No one in my family is anything like me, except my godfather, who is my uncle by marriage so I don't think he counts. Where my domestic skills came from, I still have no idea. They must have come out with my son.
Originally posted by nuge
i hate when hot chicks are with dorks.maybe i should become a dork just so i can get a date.

Well the plus side I was out with my really hot cousin, nope this isn't one of those appalachinan families where family members bang each other, but see it looked like I was out with a hot chick anyway, and ya know, when a chick see's you with a another chick, it makes you more appealing. We use this tactic all the time (her and I).
Yeah but what's in it for her? :lol:

Sorry, that was mean...still recovering from my buddies stag on Saturday night. No naked chicks, not even any headbutting, but lots of alcohol and bumper cars. Yes, bumper cars. We played this game called "Whirly ball", which is track ball played in bumper cars...not sure how they came up with this one, but it was pretty fun, actually. Afterwards, we of course had to get the groom-to-be really hammered, and silly me, everytime I bought him a round, I'd have another round myself. I didn't get the groom in any trouble, but his fiance called me yesterday and asked me what the hell I was doing buying him all those nasty drinks...I guess he was puking pretty bad yesterday morning :lol: :puke:

Yes, I'm still a bastard.
Originally posted by TD
There is no one here (cept for brat, and she's the only one who really matters anyhow) so I'm assuming ya'll are doing something fun. Me, I'm getting ready to go out. Went out last night and had some really good wings, but they were too hot. I didn't enjoy the bar too much because my buddies made me (twisted my arm I tell y :cool: ) smoke a funky cigarette. I was retarded from that point on. Tonight, the search for the next Mrs. Tatman resumes. Let me know what you fucks did tonight. There are some partiers on this board (most of em from the midwest too I notice)

Hey, it was 04/20/02 on saturday so I hope that everybody was getting into the funky cigarette's. Sounds like a good time TD!
I broke my usual tradition of taking Sunday off from partying and designating it "liver and kidney" day because my "two floozies" called me up and wanted to play the celebrity drinking game. Damn, that game gets tough after a while......of course all of us had to be at work at 8 this morning, so it was all about coffee all day today. But what fun, what fun it was!!! This is my b-day week, so I am celebrating all week! the wedding still on?? :lol:

Yesterday went rather well. The cake turned out, even though I spent the first half of the party working on it. My prick brother-in-law started his shit early, but then he didn't show up, which is better for his health anyway. :) The kid now has a brand new wardrobe, and a ball pit(that I have no room for). He also got some Little People and this ball thing that plays music that he's in love with. Oh and an "All Terrain Wagon"-apparently we're going to the mountains a lot or something. :lol: He wore black shorts, I got the idea from Billy Milano :lol: (must give credit where it is due :p ). I'd put up a picture (of him in his ball pit with black shorts on), but it appears that I can't. He choked on a cracker and almost passed out, but he's okay, despite his aunt's panic attack over it. He doesn't like his cake though. "What a strange person." Oops, once again, I'm not on the Python thread... :lol:
whirly ball rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they actually have leagues for it here.but i would not know how to play it sober,because everytime i have played it was for a bachalor(spelling)party.
Oh yeah, you just forced him didn't you?? Bad, NFF, bad!!! The night before our wedding, my husband went out with his friend (to a nudey bar of course) and he claims that they were trying to see around the girls to watch Sportscenter, but I have a VERY hard time believing this. I think he just felt bad about going out while I sat home eating pizza and watching Scary Movie with his friend's wife. :lol:
Originally posted by TD
"Is the wedding still on?" Oh yeah, me and this chick, we must be soul mates, think way too much alike.

This would be the hot drunk floozie with a small child.....oh wait, that too describes all my women:cool: How's this for romance: Friday night, me, her, Jason X, a bottle of Makers Mark in her purse for us to pour into our soda's. And this date was her idea!!! :D
Ty's right about the hot chick strategy.
If you want to draw attention, just make sure that you have a beautiful girl with you when you go out with a group of friends. Hot chicks are magnets for other hot chicks.
It is one of the great mysteries of the world.