Saturday night!! (i'm high and dry) Saturday Night

It does indeed work! The only problem is this: some chicks will falsely think you are some kind of jigalow and accuse you of man-whorism. Also sometimes your friend or relatives are overprotective....other than that it is a win-win, esp. when you get the hot chick you bring to stir up conversation with the hot chick you hope to score with later!!!!
I had a very hot-chick/friend. My dude/friends and this chick/friend went out a few times. Everytime she was with us, we had the opportunity to meet many other hot chicks.
Eventually this hot-chick/friend moved. We haven't hung out with her in years...and we haven't met hot chicks when we go out in years.
Then there is always the hot chicks who think you are so great that you should become one of their best friends. What a scandal. You get to do every waking thing with them, but they bang some one else and bitch about him to you.....not that this has ever happened to me, but I've read about it.

How come this never works for girls? In high school, 90% of my friends were (good-looking) guys. Never scored more than a hug from any of them, none of them made a damn bit of sense to me (so nothing's changed) and apparently every other guy I might have been interested in figured I was already hooked up and moved on (after acting like jealous pricks).

Another "hot chick" magnet is a baby or small child. Go borrow a niece/nephew/godchild/friend's kid and go to the mall or grocery store or a restaurant. Girls are constantly checking my husband out when he's got my son, even if I'm standing right there. If we're out to eat, they come right up to him while I'm in the bathroom and get pissed when I come back. If we get seperated at the grocery store (he's ALWAYS got the cart with the boy in it) I know when I find him again there'll be at least one girl very nearby. I personally never felt drawn to a guy just cause he had a kid with him, but apparently it is a major turn-on to many women.

Puppies at the park seem to work too. I've seen that a lot, a little puppy will attract all the rollerbladers. That didn't do much for me either, but I know it works.
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS

How come this never works for girls? In high school, 90% of my friends were (good-looking) guys. Never scored more than a hug from any of them, none of them made a damn bit of sense to me (so nothing's changed) and apparently every other guy I might have been interested in figured I was already hooked up and moved on (after acting like jealous pricks).

I kinda think its a girl competitive thing. I was kind of a loner dude in elementary/grade school. Girls would hardly ever talk to me.
Then I was "going with" a girl who was my friend, who was then considered my girlfriend.
After we broke up, I had a couple fine young ladies trying to get with me.
I think this hot-chick tactic evolved from situations like this one.
What do you think?

p.s.And the baby/little kid tactic is a good one too.
can some one explain to me why whenever i have a girlfriend i meet a ton of girls.but when i am single i hardly ever meet girls(unless they just want to be friends)
when i was engaged i meet girls non-stop,now that i am single again nothing.this is the great mystery of life.

also i know dogs help you meet girls too.mostly when they are puppies.
Girls are very competitive. I had one friend who was very tiny, and this girl kept checking out her boyfriend, who was like my brother. And she knew if she got into a fight with this girl, she'd get her ass kicked, so she begged me to go hang on him til the girl got the hint and went away, which she did. He had no clue what was going on. He just knew he had another girl on him and his girl was cool with it. :lol: Guys never know what other girls are up to, but we do. That's when the cat-like qualities are most apparent.

As for the meeting a million girls when taken but none when single, Ty and I have discussed this and we think it is a combo of the fact that you are very confident when already in a relationship, which is a turn-on to most people, and also the fact that most people want what other people have. I've also found with myself and a buttload of other people I know that you find someone as soon as you stop looking. I met my husband about a month after dumping the psycho that came before him, and I decided that men suck and I didn't want another one ever again, and since women are also insane, I was just going to be alone for the rest of my life, and then he showed up, two hours late...
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
Girls are very competitive. I had one friend who was very tiny, and this girl kept checking out her boyfriend, who was like my brother. And she knew if she got into a fight with this girl, she'd get her ass kicked, so she begged me to go hang on him til the girl got the hint and went away, which she did. He had no clue what was going on. He just knew he had another girl on him and his girl was cool with it. :lol: Guys never know what other girls are up to, but we do. That's when the cat-like qualities are most apparent.

As for the meeting a million girls when taken but none when single, Ty and I have discussed this and we think it is a combo of the fact that you are very confident when already in a relationship, which is a turn-on to most people, and also the fact that most people want what other people have. I've also found with myself and a buttload of other people I know that you find someone as soon as you stop looking. I met my husband about a month after dumping the psycho that came before him, and I decided that men suck and I didn't want another one ever again, and since women are also insane, I was just going to be alone for the rest of my life, and then he showed up, two hours late...

What Brat says is %100 true! When you already have a girlfriend, most people have a confidence to them that even they don't know that they are showing! When your single, we(men & women) become like a free agent. The look in your eyes, and the confidence level is totally different. The other thing is that when your in a relationship and you talking to new women, in your mind your not even thinking of anything to do with the women while your talking with her, and women(& men) love a challenge. This is why these Women are suddenly fascinated with you, cause to them it seems like you don't care! I know that I myself have never ended up with a girl that was throwing herself at me, cause there is no challenge! Women are big on the challenge factor as many men will perform the one night stand with a girl if they are interested. However, I've known some women in my time that loved one night stands. Everybody is different ya know, very different. Hey nuge, the next time your out and about and talking with Women, try a casual attitude. You don't have to be rude, but don't show too much interest either. One thing that I know for sure is there are not ANY women out there that want a man drooling over them. They do want men drooling, but not the man that they choose for their lover. I bet you'll be surprised when you start getting more numbers and requests for future meetings.

When you have a girlfriend every girl you thought you'd never score with want to talk to you all of the sudden, if you go out it is chicks galore. You have a certain swagger that you are not even aware you have. It is probably because you are not concerned about getting any, so whether or not you are aware of it, you're a completely different individual. When you are single, no matter how bad ass you think you are, girls know it and you are not as appealing. It's funny how this works. It is funny, when I was still with my last girl, all the girls I tried to get before her, started showing interest, calling my voicemail, "bumping" into me at the bar, etc, etc. Once that relationship was over, the other girls went onto to whatever else.......
bRaT, augdawg, Ty-
I'm glad you all posted what you...posted.
Something else I'd like to point out:
When you start seeing a girl that you just met, and realize that you're not interested in her, she will be interested in you!
This follows the same CONFIDENCE rule.
You don't care for her, so you have the ol' confidence going, and she falls in love with you.

bRaT- Thanks for pointing out that:
women are also insane
They're not all insane. Only about 90%.:)
I'd like to say that they are 90% bitches and ho's. Just like probably 90% of men are only concerned about getting a hot piece of ass and/or are losers with dumb hair cuts and shitty jobs. This is what leaves the missing 10% from both parties lost somewhere.......
tonight i am going to play pool,so i will try to put these theorys to the test.wish me luck or just wish that i do not embarass myself.
and i agree 90% of women are crazy.i have meet them all.
and brat,lesbians are cool.:lol:
I dunno Brat, you seem to be a minority, a female anthrax fan...but this could lead to a whole other thread.....all those hot chicks at metal shows?? Where do they come don't see hot chicks with Megadeth t-shirts at the grocery, but they were always at the shows....You don't see hot chick playing Slayer at the local bar, but there are hot chicks at Slayer shows......i never met one hot chick who liked Testament in college, but they were at the shows....My friends and I are befuttled and bamboozled by this everytime we go to a show......."Look at her!!!!!!! They don't make metal babes like that in our town!"
Just pretend you have a girlfriend, and you're not interested in any of the ladies you see tonight.
Let us know what happens...

Oh yeah! It's still safe to say, "How you doin'?"
:lol: nuge...I've never met a man who DIDN'T think that.

I give you guys credit, I could never maintain a relationship with a woman. It just wouldn't happen. If I WERE a lesbian, it would just be lots of cheap, meaningless sex with not making a call the next day...Oh wait, now I sound like 90% of men. Hmm. How did that happen?? :lol:
Originally posted by nuge
tonight i am going to play pool,so i will try to put these theorys to the test.wish me luck or just wish that i do not embarass myself.
and i agree 90% of women are crazy.i have meet them all.
and brat,lesbians are cool.:lol:

I've had fun with some lesbian friends. And when you go out, it looks like you are the man in the middle of the meat triangle, so you look like Wilt Chamberlain or Gene Simmons with 2 hot chicks!!! (BTW, I'll save any 3some stories for another thread, can't waste all my material in one thread)